Love triangle leaves 2 dead in Mpumalanga

A man was shot and killed, allegedly by a Mbombela reaction officer, following his alleged affair with the officer’s wife.

Minutes after a security company reaction officer killed a 53-year-old man, he allegedly turned the gun on himself.

The first incident occurred at about 06:45 this morning, followed by the next at a separate location.

According to Mpumalanga police spokesperson Brigadier Selvy Mohlala, the victim was on his way to work when he was called by the 41-year-old reaction officer.

“Preliminary investigations revealed that the victim and the reaction officer knew each other. It is also alleged that about a month ago the reaction officer visited the victim and warned him to stay away from his wife. The two allegedly had a heated argument at the post office boxes at Sonpark Boulevard.

“According to a friend of the victim on the scene, he heard gunshots. When he turned around he was shocked to see his friend lying on the ground, with gunshot wounds. His body was covered in blood,” says Mohlala.

He adds that the reaction officer drove off from the scene in a company vehicle and minutes later he is believed to have turned his gun on himself, taking his own life. The reaction officer’s body was found in the vehicle at a different but nearby location – on the R40 in Barberton’s direction.

Both the victim and the reaction officer were declared dead by paramedics.

Police are investigating a murder case as well as an inquest.

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