Hard news

Four veld fires rage in the Lowveld area

Wildfires are active in various locations across the Lowveld, and the public is urged to be extra careful.

The prevailing hot, dry and windy conditions have ignited four veld fires in the Lowveld area on Sunday, August 11.

ALSO READ: Veld fires wreak havoc in Mashishing and surrounds

With fires raging in the Mataffin and Cairn area behind the Old Nelspruit Airport, the Riverside area, Schoemanskloof and Emgwenya (formerly Waterval Boven), the Lowveld and Escarpment Fire Protection Association’s (Lefpa) manager, André Scheepers, urged the public to be extra careful.

“The current hot, dry and windy conditions have escalated the fire risk index, so please, no open fires,” he said.

He added that the fires should be under control by late afternoon once the wind dies down. However, the increased fire risk index is likely to remain the same for the next five days or so.

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