Readers Choice Awards – Best Of Mbombela 2023


Congratulations to the follow businesses, organisations, entrepreneurs and individuals for proving that you truly are the best of the best in Mbombela.

In a landmark election year, thousands upon thousands of our residents and readers took to the Best of Mbombela polls to nominate and cast their votes.

While this might not have been to choose their leaders, it was to justly reward those who have showcased that they offer the best services and products to the people of Mbombela.

This year’s Best of Mbombela Readers’ Choice Awards once again showcased just how special our part of the world is.

We not only have the best people, but the best businesses too.

We at Lowveld Media salute every single one of you for not only winning, but for being a finalist too.

May you bask in the glory that you’ve worked so hard to have bestowed upon you, because if your name is showcased below, then you are among the Best of Mbombela.

Congartulations, Best of Mbombela winners!

Congratulations to the Best of Mbombela Readers’ Choice Awards winners.

We applaud the dedication and excellence showcased by all nominees and winners.

Your contributions to the vibrant community of Mbombela are truly commendable.

May you continue to thrive.

As a longstanding partner in the region, Standard Bank is honoured to support such an esteemed event that celebrates local businesses and their commitment to excellence.

Back: Fuad Choonara, Poppie Sitole, Lee Langenhoven, Gugu Maposa and Leander Naidoo.
Front: Rose Msiza, Yaseen Guman, Shona Anthony and Morgan Mbhele.
> Photo: Chelsea Pieterse

Our gratitude extends to our partner, Lowveld Media, for their sterling work in recognising and celebrating the businesses driving Mbobela’s economy.

As a bank for entrepreneurs, we are committed to turning possibilities into opportunities for the businesses that drive Africa’s vibrant economies.

We do this by partnering with our clients and providing them with relevant products and solutions to enable them to start, manage and grow their businesses.

To find out more, visit, or contact us on the following details, quoting the code ‘BOM 2023’ – via telephone at 010 824 2920, and via email at

Thea Rix celebrated by Best of Mbombela

Each year, the Best of Mbombela Awards sees one especially exceptional individual receive a special award.

The recipient of this year’s Best of Mbombela Special Award was none other than Thea Rix, a person who embodies the very essence of what makes the Lowveld community exceptional.

Rix’s tireless efforts, unwavering commitment and passion have enriched the lives of countless people.

Well known for her work with CMR Nelspruit, the Nelspruit Community Policing Forum and Nelspruit Concerned Citizens, and being one of the community’s biggest activists, Rix’s award is well earned.

She is a ward councillor during the day, and at night she is a hard-working woman who is behind many of the Lowveld’s most informative social media groups. Known also as ‘Tannie Thea’, she had a long- standing legacy of being a noticeboard for the community.

Rix is always armed and at the readyto provide assistance to members of the community in need.

Lowvelder editor, Stefan de Villiers, Thea Rix, and Lowveld Media general manager, Buks Esterhuizen. > Photo: Blake Linder

She never shies away from lending a helping hand, and would never be seen simply saying no to someone who requires her help. Rix is the prime example of what we should all aspire to be within our Lowveld community.

Living by the motto ‘An informed person is calm and mostly happy’, Rix shows the Lowveld that each kind act or selfless move adds to our beautiful city’s character, which is built on compassion, resilience, and hope.

May her legacy inspire us all to continue striving for excellence, supporting one another, and making the Lowveld community an even better place to call home.

Rix’s humility, kindness and genuine concern for others have left a lasting impression on all who have had the privilege of knowing her.

She told Lowvelder she thanked the community and her Lord for always being there for her, and without whom the award would not have been possible.

Stix and his trumpet blow the audience away

With the smooth sounds of local trumpeter, Sipho Dumiso, better known as  Stix, the stage was set to hand out the Best of Mbombela Awards 2023.

Guests arrived and registered, while Stix was setting the mood on his trumpet with live background music during the function at Church Unlimited on Thursday May 23.

Stix Dumisa in action during the function. > Photo: Chelsea Pieterse

Lowveld Media would like to give Stix a round of applause.

When introduced by the compère of the function, Julia Burger, Stix approached the stage and had the audience in awe with the ever so popular song “Special Star” by the South African music group, Mango Groove.

Stix had the audience on their feet, and set a vibrant mood for the prize giving. Special stars, that is what one can indeed call all the winners of the Best of Mbombela 2023 awards.

Thank you Stix for setting the mood during the function. This self-taught artist believes in working hard to achieve one’s dreams.

He started playing the trumpet in the Salvation Army Church when he was
only seven.

Stix has shared the stage with well-known South African artists such as Lira, Oskido and Sipho ‘Hotstix’ Mabuse. Lowvelders can look forward to a local theatre production of note at the Civic Theatre in Mbombela where he will present his 4th Jazz Festival with his band on August 24.

Being part of the Best of Mbombela2023 function, Stix said:

“The Best of Mbombela was the highlight of the year… I connected with many business people and it feels like my show in August will be a success after meeting them. Without Lowvelder I wouldn’t have been so far. The videos during the function and those shared on social media platforms have earned me quite a number of followers. Thank you to Lowvelder”.

For your next corporate function, or to be part of the Jazz Festival in August, make sure to be in contact with Stix.

Local is lekker.

Contact him on 079 753 9988.

Borrelende Bia se optrede verleen ekstra glans aan funksie

Die opening van die Best of Mbombela 2023 se prestige prysuitdelingsfunksie was heel gepas met plaaslike talent.

Want local is mos lekker, en meer plaaslik en talentvol as ons eie Bia kan jy nie hier kry nie.

Ons eie Bianca Swift, beter bekend onder die verhoognaam, Bia, het nie teleurgestel nie.

Bia is nie net ’n kunstenaar wat jou intrek met haar woorde nie, maar sy hou jou beslis gevange met ietsie van alles.

Haar sprankelende personlikheid en verhoogteenwoordigheid maak van elke funksie een gróót sukses.

Sy dek inderdaad die tafel.

Bia het die Bestof Mbomebela se prestige geleentheid geopen met ’n verwerking van ’n eweknie in die vermaaklikheidsbedryf, Appel, se lied, “Foute”, wat deur Laevelder se digitale inhoudskeppingsbestuurder, Bertus de Bruyn, na “Stemme” verwerk is.

Tydens die opening het haar optrede die gaste op hul voete gehad en almal in ligte luim geplaas in afwagting op die aankondigings van die wenners in elke kategorie.

Die lewenslustige kunstenaar laat nie gras onder haar voete groei wanneer dit by geleenthede kom nie.

Nie net het Bia van jongs af provinsiale toekennings by eisteddfods ontvang nie, maar sy het ook in 2021 by die SA Championships of Performing Arts naam gemaak.

Verder hou die talentvolle jong kunstenaar, wat in 2023 aan Bergvlam gematrikuleer het, haarself besig deur by verskeie plaaslike restaurante en feeste op te tree.

Bia open ook graag vir bekende kunstenaars. Sy is verlief op Broadway en komtemporêre musiek.

“Omdat dit meer met jou hart se snare speel,” vertel sy.

Sy het ook onlangs haar eerste oorspronklike enkelsnit, “Vlekkie in my nekkie” vrygestel en die lied is reeds besig om groot naam te maak.

Een ding is vir seker, die plaaslike kunstenaar gaan die stad en Mpumalanga as geheel nog baie trots maak.

Oor haar teenwooordigheid tydens Laevelder se jaarlikse Best of Mbomebela funksie, sê Bia:

“Ek was so verbaas om te sien hoe goed die besighede in die stad met mekaar
oor die weg kom en mekaar ondersteun.”

Bia is die perfekte kunstenaar vir jou jaareindfunksie, of watse geleentheid ook al.

Onthou haar naam en hou haar dop!

Vir meer inligting, besoek gerus haar Facebook, TikTok en Instagram onder Bia.Musiek of skakel haar by 071 388 5280.


Christie’s at 32 on Russell

Best Dinner Experience

The Patio Restaurant at Christie’s at 32 on Russell offers contemporary dining that will satisfy any craving.

Our vibrant and engaging chef, Brad, creates delicious dishes using only the freshest seasonal ingredients, ensuring that our menu is always diverse and full of flavour.

Enhance your dining experience by pairing your meal with our extensive wine list. We are fully licensed with knowledgeable staff to help you find the perfect pairing to complement your dish.

Complete your meal with a sweet treat or indulge in a freshly brewed coffee. Whether you’re looking for a quick bite or a leisurely meal, the Patio Restaurant is the perfect choice. Experience the best of Mbombela’s dining scene at the Patio Restaurant.

Book your table now and let us show you what makes us one of the best restaurants in town.

Best Dinner Experience

I am flattered, honoured and extremely  excited that Orange Restaurant has once  again been awarded the Best of Mbombela  Readers’ Choice Award for the best place to have dinner.

It is only through the hard work and  dedication of my entire team that Orange  is the success that it is today.

From the  front-of-house team who ensures that each table is perfectly set – with special touches to each individual table booked for a special occasion. The same team who serves our clients with a smile and a professional and  warm generosity of spirit.

To the kitchen team, who makes sure that the food is not only prepared and cooked, but that it is done so with a sleight of hand and a delicacy of touch that makes each plate look, smell and taste incredible.

But it is mostly through the loyalty of my customers that Orange Restaurant still shines and remains a must-visit venue in Mbombela.

It is an honour to say to you all:

“Thank you for your unfailing support of Orange Restaurant. We salute you.”


Centurion Systems
Best Garage Doors

Welcome to Centurion Systems Nelspruit, your trusted distributor of Magic Doors.

Explore our diverse range of Chromadek, wood and aluminium doors, each crafted for durability and style. Also discover a complete selection of garage doorhardware for effortless maintenance.

At the heart of our offerings lies the acclaimed SDO4 smart garage door operator, setting new standards in convenience and security. Our dedicated team ensures personalised assistance, guiding you to the perfect solution for
your needs.

Experience the future of garage automation and security. Contact Centurion Systems Nelspruit today and unlock unparalleled convenience for your home or business.



Daar is net een plek om te besoek vir verbeterings aan jou tuiste, en dis BUCO Nelspruit.

BUCO Nelspruit het dit wéér reggekry: Wenner van die bestedakkapverskaffers vir vanjaar se Best of Mbombela-toekennings, en nie net dit nie – hulle is ook die beste keuse vir verfprodukte.

Hierdie toekennings spreek vanself. BUCO Nelspruit is jou alles-in-een-winkel.

Die dakkapfabriek beslaan tans 2 400 m².

Daar is ’n vloot vragmotors om alle kappe kommervry op klante se persele af te laai. Spoedige dienslewering is ook hier géén probleem nie – die wagperiode is tans ongeveer twee weke.

Die dakkapfabriek word verder voorsien van hout uit ’n 1 800 m²-houtstoor, wat tot die kontinuïteit van produksie bydra.

Wanneer dit by BUCO Nelspruit se dakkappe kom, is verskeidenheid ook iets waarna jy kan uitsien.

Die fabriek is baie buigsaam, en met kreatiewe, vindingryke ontwerpers, kan daar uiting gegee word aan jou verbeelding.

By BUCO Nelspruit skrik die personeel vir geen ontwerp nie.

Dit is bloot ’n nuwe kunswerk wat hulle soos gesoute kunstenaars aanpak.

Klante sal self kan sien – hulle werk is absoluut hulle trots.

En die grootste bonus van als?

Alle ontwerpe word self by die plaaslike fabriek geproduseer.

Manley Blinds & Interiors
Best Blinds and Curtains

Since returning to the city in 2022, this dynamic duo have been transforming spaces with their unparalleled expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction.

Specialising in a diverse range of products, from indoor and outdoor blinds to decorative and security shutters and screens, Manley Blinds & Interiors offers solutions tailored to every need .

With a foundation built on years of experience dating back to 2014, founders Neil and Marla Manley bring a personal touch to each project, ensuring the best quality at the best price.

In a city where excellence is expected, Manley Blinds & Interiors stands out as a beacon of professionalism and dedication.

We are honoured to receive this reward and will keep up the standard.

Ndalo Holdings
Best Builders and Contractors

Ndalo Holdings is a company that is 100% owned and managed by Patrick Salon Shongwe, fundamentally focused on contributing to nation-building, creation of wealth, job opportunities and poverty alleviation.

Ndalo Holdings specialises in:

• Building and civil construction
• Painting services
• Cladding and insulation drilling works and
maintenance (boreholes)
• Rubber – conveyor belts, etc
• Cleaning services
• Gardening services waste disposal/waste
• Paving
• Electrical construction
• Fencing construction
• Transportation
• Scaffolding, cladding and insulation.

The best at making dream homes a reality

Home Improvements is one of the biggest categories in the annual Best of Mbombela Readers’ Choice Awards, with 12 different subcategories. This category is meant to allow readers to choose and nominate the people and companies that help you make your dream home a reality.

So for the next touch-up to your home, you have everything you need to know about the best specialists in the city, right here in one place. From your garden to your pool, to plumbing, to tiling and roofing, if it has anything to do with a basic improvement to your house, we have it covered in Home Improvements.

This is also one of our most hotly contested categories, with companies battling it out for top spot here not having it easy at all. Have a look at our index too, to see who were the runners-up in our various Home Improvements subcategories, and you’ll be spoilt for choice.

Congratulations to those who triumphed in the Home Improvements category, and may you continue helping the people of Mbombela and the Lowveld at large make their dream homes come to life!


Beste Laerskool – Laerskool Bergland

Laerskool Bergland is meer as net ’n skool.

Dis ’n gevoel en ’n familie. Hier is elkeen iemand!

Of jy nou ’n hokkiestok kan swaai, jou sê op die verhoog kan sê of ’n wiskundesom met toe oë kan doen, hier by Bergland is beslis ’n plekkie vir jou! Ons streef daarna om leerders met volronde karakter te ontwikkel en ’n waardesisteem by hulle te vestig.

Laerskool Bergland is een van die Laeveld se bes bewaarde geheime! Ons bedank graag elke personeellid, ouer, leerder en gemeenskapslid wat die Bergies die beste in Mbombela maak.

Besoek ons webtuiste, laerskoolbergland., of gaan loer na ons Facebook-blad om meer oor ons pragskool uit te vind.

Noddy – Beste Kleuterskool

Noddy Kleuterskool is oneindig dankbaar om weer eens die wenner van die jaarlikse Best of Mbombelatoekennings te wees.

Met twee dekades se ondervinding vorm die opvoeders by Noddy Kleuterskool saam ’n toegewyde span.

Hier word elke kind raakgesien as sy of haar eie unieke mens wat die wêreld tot hul beskikking het.

Ons doel is en bly om aan elke leerder ’n spesiale ondervinding te gee wat hulle vir die res van hul lewens kan saamdra.

Noddy Kleuterskool sorg dat kinders altyd gelukkig bly sodat hulle tot die beste van hul vermoë kan leer en groei, en hul opvoeding geniet.

By Noddy sorg ons dat die kinders ons prioriteit bly!


Best Laundromat- Sanibonani Dry Cleaners

Who better to take care of the city’s dirty laundry than a business that’s been part of the community for 36 years?

From delicate suits and wedding dresses to greasy overalls, stained carpets and dusty curtains, Sanibonani Dry Cleaners provides all kinds of laundry services to residents. From humble beginnings in 1988 in a very small shop in Brown Street, downtown Mbombela, Sanibonani has become a favourite in the community.

With its state-of-the-art equipment, Sanibonani is a leader in the drycleaning
industry with 13 outlets in and around the Lowveld.

The group has also expanded to include a household chemical cleaning supply range and other laundry services.

In Mbombela, there are daily deliveries from Mondays to Saturdays providing a same-day service.

Sanibonani in Barberton, Malalane, Hazyview and Tonga conveniently do deliveries and pick-ups three times a week – on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with a two-day turnaround time.

Services include quality dry-cleaning of garments, curtains and carpets, laundry bundles by weight and as a complimentary service, will include basic alterations and repairs where possible.

Best venue for Hire – Shiloh Wedding Venue

Shiloh Wedding Venue is situated on the outskirts of Mbombela, 15km from the CBD.

Our venue exudes a natural charm, surrounded by untamed wilderness, overlooking spectacular rocky hills.

Our property boasts of a variety of birdlife, indigenous trees, squirrels, monkeys and klipspringer.

It offers the perfect setting for a romantic bush wedding, next to a majestic bonfire with its amazing sunsets and misty mornings.

Twinkling string lights adorn the open-air space, creating a magical glow as the sun sets behind the beautiful hills.

The glass chapel is a stunning mix of bohemian and natural beauty.

The mini chapel is an intimate haven of charm, providing an enchanting space for an intimate wedding ceremony filled with love.

Our cuisine is a delectable symphony of flavours – a delightful and memorable experience for all.

Whether you dream of a formal celebration or relaxed intimate event, Shiloh is the perfect place for you.

Best Vet – The Vets @66

In the heart of Mbombela, a team of dedicated and compassionate women has been making a difference in the lives of furry friends and their owners.

Vets at @ 66’s Best of Mbombela triumph is outstanding achievement and
a testament to the hard work, dedication and commitment to excellence exhibited by the team.

For years they have been providing top-notch veterinary care to pets in
Mbombela, earning the trust and admiration of their clients.

What sets Vets @ 66 apart from other veterinary practices is their all-female

In an industry that is often dominated by men, the women at Vets @ 66 are a refreshing change.

Their unique approach to veterinary care is not only innovative, but also empowering, showcasing that women can be just as capable and skilled as their male counterparts.

Best Brokerage/Finance Sevices –

Quanis Accounting and Tax

We continue providing all compliance services, including accounting, tax, audit and secretarial services.

In the month of June, as we celebrate our sixth year of service and our second Best of Mbombela Award, we would like to reflect on our past successes and ensure you that your company/organisation’s future is in safe hands.

This has been a significant season for South Africans as we celebrate 30 years of democracy and voted for the seventh administration, which provided an opportunity for a coalition government. Whoever emerges as government, compliance and zero tolerance to corruption remain of utmost importance to all companies and society leaders.

Best Guest House – Nyati Safari Buschcamp

With a little luck and passion to provide good-quality affordable accommodation, and with a love of nature, Braam and Michelle took over Nyati Safari Bushcamp in September 2022.

We strive to keep up with the times and keep our accommodation up to standard to make an affordable vacation possible for people who love nature and want an unforgettable experience with nature, while contributing to nature conservation.

Our mission is to satisfy the needs of our guests while recognising the awareness of nature and the upholding of animal life for future generations to come.

We will be contributing to economic and tourist development, while doing so in a way that is environment-friendly, thus also creating jobs in our community and supporting ‘Local is Lekker’ suppliers to uplift economic growth in our region.

We hope you will enjoy the accommodation at Nyati Safari Bushcamp soon.

Enquiries: or 082 445 9138/9.

Bets Security – iSecure Group

From its humble beginnings, the founder of iSecure, Braam Oosthuizen, launched his company by providing basic security services to local businesses.

Over time, the company has evolved, earning a reputation for unwavering reliability, dedication to excellence and a commitment to innovation.

Always striving to enhance and adapt to the ever-changing security landscape, iSecure has transformed its services and operations.

Initially starting with only a few guards, iSecure has now expanded to specialise in guarding, VIP protection and property protection for the industrial, commercial and residential sectors.

Recognising the unique security needs of each client, the company tailors security methods with risk assessments conducted to health and safety standards.

iSecure’s control room manages all alarms with state-of-the-art alarm and AI technology.

The technical department is proficient in installing alarms, gate motors, cameras and more. Armed response teams support the control room in responding to alarm alerts, while guards ensure the safety of both property and community members.

The security operations team has collaborated with tracking companies, SAPS and crime intelligence to recover assets and assist in crisis situations and SAPS operations.

With expertise in farm protection, iSecure has continuously explored innovative approaches to address agricultural security needs. A recent partnership in fire safety has elevated iSecure’s fire safety standards, offering training to households and companies.

Our team works together as a family.

With more than 20 years’ expertise in security solutions to prevent breaches and reduce crime, we lift one another and fill the voids as a team – between strategising and actual security with role players who do not shy away from dangerous situations, but always strive towards placing prevention first.

We thank God and are truly grateful to the community for voting us Best of Mbombela in the Security and Alarms Division.

We know with this title comes great responsibility and are motivated to crime prevention and safety solutions to stay focused on our community.

We stand by our mission: We Secure – You live!

Best Local Event – Innibos

Living in Mbombela? We’ve got you covered

Living is the biggest category in the Best of Mbombela Readers’ Choice Awards, with no less than 18 subcategories making up the category.

Whether you’re new to the Lowveld or if you’ve lived here your entire life, sometimes finding the right people to get the job done can be a tricky and daunting task.

You might think you need to resort to the ageold solution of sending a message out on a WhatsApp group or perhaps even posting on a Facebook group.

You know, those posts or messages that start with, “Does anybody know of a good place to do so and so?”.

But, instead of being that person, just have a gander at our winners’ supplement.

You can check out the index for ease of reference, or simply page through the best that the Lowveld has to offer right throughout the supplement.

From the best bank to the best courier company, from the best golf course to the best venue for hire, the Living category has it all covered. It is by far our most closely contested category and thousands of our readers made sure to have their voices heard in support of their favourite contenders.

In reality, there’s not many places to live that are better than the Lowveld. It’s
beautiful, it’s breathtaking, and it has everything you could possibly need.

And so do we, so enjoy our 2023 Best of Mbombela Readers’ Choice Awards Winners supplement!

Best Hair Salon – Rock Paper Scissors Salon

Thank you, Mbombela! The team at Rock Paper Scissors Salon is humbled and extremely grateful to have been crowned a Best of Mbombela winner in only our second year in the city.

We were founded in Lydenburg in 2016, so we already had a wealth of experience under our belts by the time we opened up our second branch in Mbombela in 2023. During this time we’ve grown immensely, both individually as hairstylists and also as a whole.

We started out with less than a handful of staff in Lydenburg, but have since grown to roughly seven staff members between our two branches. This can be attributed to the fact that we are not simply a hair salon, we offer you a unique experience.

From the moment you walk into our salon, you become a VIP and are immediately part of our family. You are able to enjoy time with us as you can get a massage, get your nails done and much more with our dynamic team.

You can find us at 9 Faurie Street in Sonpark Boulevard, and if you want to make a booking with us you can give us a call on 079 274 9443.


Best Car Dealership – Alan Hudson

Thank you to our valued customers and friends for choosing Alan Hudson Motors as your car dealer – it means the world to us!

We are thrilled to have been voted Best New Car Dealership in Mbombela.

Visit us today and discover our unbeatable offers on new, demo or used Volkswagen cars that fit any budget.

We also provide Volkswagen parts and service so that you can keep your car running smoothly on the road.

Our team remains dedicated to providing customer satisfaction through sharing their passion for the iconic Volkswagen brand with each of our esteemed clients.

Best Towing Service –

Van Wetens Breakdown Services

Thank you to our loyal Mbombela customers for voting for us.

We appreciate the confidence our customers have in us, knowing we deliver the best service in a professional manner.

We have remained a family owned business since 1967, and are proud to have served thousands of customers, ranging from towing to transportation
and specialist recoveries.

For nearly 60 years, we have been serving the Lowveld community to ensure the roads are cleared of accidents and made safe for everyone.

Although there are others who have tried to copy using the past, they have either long gone or failed to compete with our company ethos.

Hi-Q Nelspruit – Best Tyre Shop

Thank you, thank you, thank you. We were also winners in the Best of Mbombela awards last year, so to all our customers that voted for us again, we would like to extend a very heartfelt and gracious thank you for allowing us to serve you and tend to your vehicle’s needs.

It gives us as great pleasure to come to work each day and have our customers give us their ongoing support.

To our team – well done everyone for putting in the effort every day, and thank you for making a difference to our customers.

Without the hardworking team we have, this award would not be possible.

To our community – it is humbling to receive all this ongoing support and you are what keeps our company afloat.


Mbombela’s cream of the crop crowned

Mbombela’s cream of the crop gathered at Church Unlimited on May 23 for the announcement of the winners of the Lowveld’s ultimate accolade, the Best of Mbombela 2023 Readers’ Choice Awards.

The city’s leading businesses once again gathered at Church Unlimited to find out which of them would receive the Lowveld’s ultimate accolades in the various categories, as voted by the community over months.

Some of the most well-known names in the Mbombela business sphere were joined by several newcomers in the local business world, from finances, car repairs and education, to restaurants, pets and plumbing, all gathered under one roof on Thursday morning, May 23, rubbing shoulders with Mbombela’s cream of the crop.

The attendees were treated to delicious canapés and refreshing beverages prepared by A Tua Casa’s Elaine Blignaut while entertained by well-known local trumpet player Stix Dumisa. Lowveld singer Bia also made an appearance onstage, while local businesses awaited the announcement of the winners, singing a song written especially for the Best of Mbombela Awards by Lowveld Media’s very own Bertus de Bruyn.

Standard Bank’s Yaseen Guman started off the introductions to the awards, followed by Standard Bank’s Lee Langehoven who gave an overview of the global and South African economy, the NHI Bill and the elections.

The award winners were published on Lowvelder’s Facebook page as they were announced during the ceremony. A full list of winners as well as the photographs taken on the day.

Last year, the awards saw a special new addition to the awards handed out to those named as the Best of Mbombela; Standard Bank came onboard for the event and handed out beautifully crafted glass trophies to each winner. This year, Standard Bank continued this gesture. Alongside Standard Bank, the NHBRC also came aboard as sponsors for the awards this year.

A total of 71 awards were handed out under six main categories. Some winners walked away with more than one award.

BUCO Nelspruit received four awards, while newcomer Flawesome Construction took home three awards. A special mention goes to Citybug for winning the best shuttle service for the 10th consecutive year.

There were also a host of lucky draws for attendees, with the prizes sponsored by Vichy Spa, Geo Trail, Orange Restaurant and Botanical Gardens Restaurant.

A special thank you goes to Stabilis Chartered Accountants Nelspruit for counting and auditing the Best of Mbombela’s votes.

Best Florist – The Language of Flowers

Thank you to every single person, client and friend who gave us your vote.

Thank you for supporting our business and for keeping us strong, grounded and motivated.

The Language of Flowers has gone from strength to strength, and our main aim and endeavour is to spread kindness, happiness and exquisite flowers and service to all.

We look forward to welcoming existing and new clients to our happy place.

We supply for all events, hotels, corporate offices, birthday spoils and anything that goes with it.

With love, The Language of Flowers team.

Best Butcher – Vleishaak Butchery

We’re honoured that when it comes to meat you think of us.

There’s a lot of choices out there but you singled us out and that means a lot.

Vleishaak Butchery is a proud family business which opened its doors during the first year of Covid. Today we can proudly say that this is our second year winning Best of Mbombela – Best Butcher.

So to our incredible team and valued customers, thank you so very much for all your love, trust and support.

We will do our best to keep the top service alive for you.

Best Pharmacy – Mopani Pharmacy

After 42 years of service to the Lowveld, Mopani Pharmacy is still an independent retail pharmacy firmly rooted in our community.

We are part of the dynamic Arrie Nel Pharmacy Group, which has a national footprint.

We offer comprehensive product choices, excellent service and dedicated pharmaceutical care, in-store and online.

Mopani Online started as a small platform for customers to get their Mopani shopping and medication delivered locally, but soon turned into a self sufficient department, serving customers nationwide, with delivery straight to your door.

We are a beauty and health retailer with in-store family and baby clinics, and five stores in the Lowveld. Find us at Crossing Centre, i’langa Mall, Riverside Mall, Steiltes Centre and White River Square, or contact us for free delivery within Mbombela and White River.

Mopani Pharmacy – taking care.

Best Paint & Best DIY – BUCO Nelspruit

Die beste en slégs die beste. Dis die inkopie-ervaring wat jy by BUCO Nelspruit sal hê wanneer dit by verf, doen-dit-selfprojekte en hardeware kom.

Dit maak nie saak hoe groot of klein die taak is nie, BUCO Nelspruit is die plek om te wees. Van jou toebehore en toerusting tot enige ander bykomstighede,

BUCO het alles wat jy sal nodig kry en meer.

Die winkelrakke is volgepak met al jou gunstelingprodukte en die aanlynwinkel is óók stampvol. Die verfdepartement help jou sommer blitsig om te kry wat jy nodig het. Terwyl jy verf, sien jy dalk selfs ’n paar ander dinge raak wat jou aandag verlang.

Nie ver van daardie einste verfrakke sal jy enigiets anders op BUCO Nelspruit se rakke vind wat jou doen-dit-self-projek in ’n droom sal omskep.

“Dit is vir ons ’n groot voorreg om die Best of Mbombela-toekennings vir hierdie afdelings te ontvang, te danke aan ons klante se stemme. Dankie dat julle vir BUCO Nelspruit as die beste in die stad gestem het!”

Housing consumers, know your rights

Governed by the Housing Consumer Protection Measures Act  95 of 1998, the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC), is a regulator of the National Department of Human Settlements with a mandate to protect the interests of housing consumers, whilst regulating the home building industry.

The NHBRC exists to protect housing consumers against unscrupulous builders who deliver substandard work. Accordingly, the NHBRC ensures that builders, developers, construction companies, and residents comply with established building codes, standards, and practices.

All home-builders in South Africa are legally required to be registered with the NHBRC and annually renew their membership. Equally, all new residential buildings must be enrolled with the NHBRC. The NHBRCs home enrolment undertaking protects consumers against poor building practices and allows the NHBRC to conduct quality home inspections at various stages of construction, with four being the minimum number of inspections on each project.

NHBRC CEO: Songezo Booi

To the benefit of the consumer, an enrolled home is covered by the NHBRC Warranty Cover. Under the Warranty Cover, at no cost to the home owner, the NHBRC  ensures that the registered builders resolve the following:

(1) Minor defects identified by the housing consumer within the first three months of occupation,

(2) Roof leaks identified by the housing consumer within one year from the date of occupation, and

(3) Major structural defects identified by the housing consumer within five years from the date of occupation.

The warranty provides cover on all new homes- be it mortgaged units and government subsidy units, built by a registered NHBRC builder and enrolled with the NHBRC. However, it is worth noting that, currently, the NHBRC does not cover alterations to existing homes, nor any items meant to enhance its aesthetics, such as taps, cupboards, windows, etc.

Housing consumers are encouraged to address any snag issues within three months of occupying their new home, failing which they are at liberty to approach the NHBRC to mediate and compel the home builder into fixing these issues. Builders who fail to comply with the NHBRC directive may be subjected to a disciplinary hearing and, if found guilty, will have fines imposed on them by the NHBRC’s legal department.

Additionally, consumers need to be aware of their obligations which include:

  1. Ensure they sign a contract with a home builder setting out all the terms and conditions.
  2. Use an NHBRC registered builder and sub-contractors. One can verify this by visiting or calling the nearest NHBRC Customer Care Office on 0800 200 824.
  3. Take time to talk to consumers who have used the builder’s services in the past by requesting references for the same.
  4. Ensure that your builder enrols your new home 15 days before starting to build to take advantage of the NHBRC Warranty Cover.
  5. Never pay the builder in advance for work – only authorise payment once work is completed to your satisfaction.
  6. Upon completion of construction, ensure that one is satisfied with the quality of their new home before signing a happy letter.
  7. Address any construction-related issues with the builder in the first three months of moving into a new home, to take advantage of the Warranty Cover.

The NHBRC has 23 provincial offices across the nine provinces with the Head office located in Sunninghill, Gauteng province. For Mpumalanga, the main provincial office is in Mbombela at Suite 201, Medcen Building, 14 Henshal Street, Mbombela, 1201. The satellite office is located is at 13 Langa Crescent, Corridor Hill, Office 1,3 & 4 Ground Floor, Emalahleni, 1049.

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