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Lowveld Junior Honorary Rangers take on lantana in private reserve

Some bushes of lantana on the Nelspruit Private Reserve were tackled recently by a small team made up of some Lowveld Junior Honorary Rangers and SANParks Honorary Rangers.

Armed with cutting equipment, gloves and insect spray, several Lowveld Junior Honorary Rangers (JHRs) and some SANParks Honorary Rangers (SHRs) tackled bushes of lantana in the Nelspruit Private Reserve on Saturday May 25.

The group spent the morning, starting early at 07:00, chopping away the alien invasive plants and clearing overgrown areas of the reserve near the entrance.

According to the South African National Biodiversity Institute’s website, sanbi.org, lantana is one of the most alien invasive plants in the country, “outcompeting and dominating native vegetation, reducing biodiversity and rendering the invaded land virtually useless.”

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Some SANParks Honorary Rangers, Magdaleen Louw, Amelda Gunning, Chris Daniel, Darien Linnell and Johann Latsky. > Photos: Chelsea Pieterse

The JHR Lowveld Region’s co-ordinator, Chris Daniel, said this voluntary community service by some members of the SHRs and JHRs was organised after they were approached by several Mbombela residents concerned about the reserve and that this wilderness area was being smothered by lantana.

The team set out on a mission to clear as much of the alien invasive plants and managed to cut down and remove a fair bit by 12:00 that day.

Mattias Roux with some of the litter he cleared from the area.

Daniel said their goal is to start the process of restoring the area for families and nature lovers who were once able to make use of and enjoy the reserve. And after five hours of hard work, cutting, chopping and pulling out and clearing lantana, the team took their well-deserved rest and enjoyed a braai in the newly cleared area.

“Thanks Sew-Eurodrive Nelspruit for their support in supplying the personal protective equipment required to keep the children safe during this activity,” said Daniel.

A volunteer’s dog is happy to explore the area while it’s being cleared.
Joshua Daniel hard at work.
Jessica Smuts clears some lantana from a section of the Nelspruit Private Nature Reserve.
A volunteer and resident who lives near the reserve with her dog helps clear away some of the lantana.
The JHR Lowveld Region’s co-ordinator, Chris Daniel.


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