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Conrad to get his eSight glasses soon

His family have thanked everyone who made donations and supported the cause.

Conrad Otto, the 12-year-old boy who lost his sight overnight two years ago, will finally be getting his eSight glasses thanks to the open hearts of the Lowveld community and a very generous donor.

Conrad was just 10 when he was diagnosed with retinal detachment. After three operations, he was declared legally blind at 11 and the only solution to helping him see, a pair of eSight glasses, was a total cost of R145 000.

Conrad’s parents, Pieter and Lize Otto, set up a Back-a-Buddy fund for their son in August after a teacher at Conrad’s school had overheard the young boy telling a friend he felt he would be better off if he were no longer alive, so he did not have to rely on his friends’ help to complete his schoolwork.

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Pieter and Lize said with the help of several locals, including Ista van Zyl, Ettienne Coetzee of The Pub and well-known musician John Rock Prophet (Ruan Greeff), they were able to raise just over R40 000, but needed another R105 000 to purchase the special glasses.

According to Disability Info South Africa (Disa), eSight glasses are electronic glasses that enhance the vision of a person who has low vision by using a high-speed camera, video processing software, a computer processor and high-quality video OLED screens to project a real-time image.

“By using zoom in/zoom out, contrast and colour adjustments, edge enhancement and brightness control, the eSight eyewear is able to enhance whatever the wearer is looking at, thus maximising their remaining eyesight,” said Disa.

Pieter said they hoped to raise the funds before the start of the new school year. Conrad was falling behind in his classwork and needs to catch up.

He said the eSight glasses had already been ordered, thanks to the Good Samaritan who had paid the outstanding funds, and that the glasses should be with Conrad before Christmas.

“I think I want to start off by saying what a great Lord we serve,” said Pieter.

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He said an article Lowvelder had published on November 24 to raise awareness surrounding Conrad’s condition and need for the eSight glasses, had caught the attention of a generous donor.

“We need to thank the Good Samaritan of Laerskool Bergland who paid the outstanding amount. He prefers to stay anonymous, but we hope that God may bless you abundantly.

“I also want to thank Ettienne Coetzee of The Pub and Ruan Greeff. Words cannot describe how grateful we are for what you did for Conrad. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that when we had a chat at one of your shows a few weeks ago, that things would turn out the way they did.

“For any musician to do a show for free for someone they know nothing about, is amazing.”

He also thanked Coetzee for allowing the fundraising concert on November 11. “You are truly a gentle giant,” Pieter said.

He especially wanted to thank Van Zyl for all the help in making the concert happen and her efforts to get the community to donate towards Conrad’s glasses.

“You are truly an exceptional human being.”

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He thanked all his friends and family as well as the team at the Nelspruit Eye Institute for their kindness, compassion and for going the extra mile.

“Riana du Plessis of Laerskool Bergland, thank you for looking after Conrad’s well-being and supporting and challenging him to do his best.”

The couple thanked principal Gordon Lancaster and all the other teachers.

They said they are grateful to everyone who supported the Back-a-Buddy fund. They said they would be keeping the fund open as they will now need to raise funds for some of the equipment to go with the glasses, including an iPad. Pieter said there was also the possibility of raising funds for another child who may need eSight glasses.

“We want to give back where we can.”

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