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Take part in the Chicken Challenge

The Chicken Challenge is an annual fundraiser that was launched about seven years ago by local artist and puppeteer, Reinette Fourie. Blank chicken-shaped canvases are sculpted and sold to artists and the public.

The Chicken Challenge is a locally based, art-inspired, fundraising initiative that has both a national and international reach.

“We have participants and buyers from all over the world each year, among a few well-known artists. We are also registered as a non-profit company,” said Alison Blair, one of the directors and the chairperson of the organising committee of the Chicken Challenge.

An online auction is currently live and running until September 30.

“We have 44 stunning and unique pieces that make up this year’s catalogue. Have a look at the 2020 range at www.chickenchallenge.co.za.”

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The Chicken Challenge is an annual fundraiser that was launched about seven years ago by local artist and puppeteer, Reinette Fourie. Blank chicken-shaped canvases are sculpted and sold to artists and the public.

They are purchased with the intention of transforming them into unique works of art (however participants choose to), and once the artwork is complete, the transformed piece is donated back to the Chicken Challenge, which then gets auctioned off to the highest bidder.

All proceeds from the auction are donated to Hands At Work in Africa – also a charity initiative that originated in the Lowveld and is now operating across Africa.

Hands at Work in Africa serves the most vulnerable children and families within the poorest communities.

Working with volunteers from all over the world, they provide a variety of services on a daily basis, ranging from food, education and basic healthcare, among other vital services such as orphan care, home-visit programmes and life centres.

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