
Themba Khoza writes: Responsibility and discipline crucial to beating the coronavirus

Themba Khoza from the Mpumalanga Department of Water and Sanitation talks about the current lockdown in this opinion piece.

As the number of the coronavirus infections and deaths increase daily, it calls for some serious introspection among the people of our beautiful country if we truly want to contain and beat this pandemic.

As a society, we need to understand that the current lockdown is not a way to punish and control our movements, but government’s attempt to curb the spread of this killer virus.

It was not an easy decision for the government to implement the lockdown, but a last resort to curb the spread of the coronavirus and save lives. It is a serious sacrifice that we all need to take to limit the devastation of this killer virus and save lives.

It is heartbreaking to always read and see the daily statistics of people breaking the lockdown regulations. Our leaders must also lead by example and show us the responsible ways of behaving during this lockdown.

We need to understand that this coronavirus attacks everyone, irrespective of gender, race and social status, and start being responsible to protect and save our lives and those around us.

We need to wake up and see the statistics from other countries and our own country’s ever increasing numbers, that this coronavirus is real and it kills. We need to be responsible and disciplined and comply with the regulations as set by our government to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

The current situation is difficult for everyone, but it is crucial that as a nation that we work together towards a common goal, as together we have the power to defeat this pandemic. Being divided and pulling in different directions opens gaps for the enemy to enter and infiltrate us, but united and working together we will conquer and defeat this silent killer.

Let us therefore comply to the regulations and encourage each other to do the good thing, even though it is hard. This is the little sacrifice we have to give to ensure that we defeat this silent killer and save lives.
Let us promote the culture of regularly washing hands with soap and water to prevent the spread of coronavirus and other germs that cause diseases.

Hands are the most common highways for the transmissions and spread of bacteria and viruses that cause diseases, resulting in people being hospitalised for treatment and at worst, death. It is therefore important that we stop touching things unnecessarily and avoid shaking hands, to keep our hands clean and healthy at all times.

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As we regularly wash our hands to get rid of bacteria and viruses, it is also important to remember that South Africa is a water scarce country which therefore calls on all of us to be more responsible and use the available wisely and sparingly so as to ensure that everyone has access to water, especially during this trying period.

Let’s heed government’s call to stay at home and always keep the social distance. Let us go out only if it is necessary and quickly return home after doing the essential things. Let us also ensure that our kids are always at home and not roaming the streets as this exposes, our families and communities to the virus.

Winning the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic is solely in the way we behave and the only way is to be responsible and disciplined. Let us be more responsible and disciplined and make the work of our law enforcement agencies much easier.

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Let us also respect and give the officials who are ramping up the testing the opportunity to do their work and stop harassing and threatening them, as they are there for the good of everyone and to help flatten the curve and prevent the loss of life.

The fight against this silent killer is not government’s fight, but every citizen’s fight. Let us therefore be responsible and disciplined and adhere to the regulations to ensure that we flatten the curve so that we can go back to our normal activities.

Stay at home, stop the spread and save lives!!!

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