
Inperking, dag 25: Motiveringsboodskap vir die dag/ Lockdown, day 25: Motivational message of the day

Ds. Mathys Lourens van die Gereformeerde Kerk Nelspruit deel hierdie stukkie motivering met ons./ Pr Mathys Lourens of the Reformed Church of Nelspruit, shares today’s encouraging message with South Africans during the Covid-19 lockdown. #LockdownSouthAfrica #LockdownFor35Days

Wat op aarde  is ’n Christen?

In Hand. 11:26 is Jesus se volgelinge die eerste keer Christene genoem. In sy suiwere vorm beteken dit dat Jesus jou Here en Heiland is oor alle aspekte van jou lewe: werk, skool, kerk en huwelik, oggend, middag en aand, en deurentyd natuurlik ’n voorbeeld vir ander in die samelewing.

’n Christen volg Jesus wat vir ons sondes gesterf het (ons weet ons is sondig want die tien gebooie leer ons dit) en Hy het ons sonde en ons straf op Hom geneem op die kruis. ’n Christen weet en besef hy is dood in sy sonde. 

Die straf vir die sonde is die dood, maar die genadegawe wat God gee is die ewige lewe (Rom. 6:23).

Daarom lewe ons anders as mense van die wêreld. Wees daarom as Christene in hierdie tyd sigbaar vir ander. Wees veilig en wees ’n gehoorsame burger.

LEES OOK: Inperking, dag 13: Motiveringsboodskap vir die dag

Gebed: “Here, wees asseblief met elke persoon wat in die voorste linies besig is. Hulle wat aan trauma, dood en seer blootgestel gaan word. Ons dink aan almal in die wêreld wat geliefdes verloor het. Laat U Gees kragtig in ons harte werk om ook die ewige lewe te ontvang.

“Ons vra dit in Jesus naam


What on earth is a Christian?

In Acts 11:26, Jesus’ followers were called Christians for the first time. In its purest form, it means that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Saviour in all areas of your life: work, school, church and marriage, morning, afternoons and evenings, and of course being an example to all in your society at all times.

A Christian follows Jesus who died for all our sins (we know we are sinful because the Ten Commandments teaches us that) and He took our sins and our punishment on the cross. A. Christian knows he is dead in His sins.

The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life (Rom. 6:23).  Therefore we live differently than people of this world. Therefore be visible Christians in this time for others. Be safe and be an obedient citizen.

ALSO READ:  Lockdown day 17: Motivational message of the day

Prayer: “Lord, please be with every person in the frontline during lockdown. Be with those that are exposed to trauma, pain and death. We think of everybody in the world that has lost loved ones during these challenging times. Let Your Holy Spirit work powerfully in our hearts to receive the promised everlasting live.

“We ask this in Jesus’ name,


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