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Two pythons removed from Numbi Park

Despite the fact that the Numbi area is the habitat of various snakes, residents are asked to refrain from killing them. 

Two pythons were saved from being attacked or killed by humans or other wild animals in Numbi Park on Monday April 17.
Hazyview’s snake catcher, Teuns Nel, who rescued them, called on the community members to refrain from simply harming or killing these reptiles. He also warned the public not to try and catch them, especially when they do not have the necessary skills to do so.

“The first snake was spotted by residents at the Numbi Park entrance road. It was not moving, so I was called and I managed to safely catch it. It was 1.4m long and weighed 20kg. The second one was caught outside someone’s yard, hiding next to the flowers at their gates,” Nel said.

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The Numbi area is the habitat of various snakes which during the winter will move closer to houses to find a warm place.
“These two large snakes were most probably also looking for a warm spot in one of the residences. They was fortunate they were spotted before going into hiding, or being killed by those who do not understand them,” he said.

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Lately there had been no reports of snake bites or snakes trying to spit at humans or animals. The sole most recent incident involved a Mozambican cobra that spat on a dog.

“Despite the area having a lot of snakes, it does not give residents the right to simply kill them. Usually they only attack when they are in danger, but otherwise they are harmless creatures,” Nel said.

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