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St Peter’s learners showcase their talents during concert in Mbombela

The principal of the school said the learners worked hard to prepare for the concert and gave a great performance.

After months of practice and hard work, the St Peter’s Catholic School’s variety concert recently took place in the school hall.

It was an event of fun-filled activities, and the learners got to show off their talent. According to the school principal, Belinda Dube, the seats were filled to capacity by excited parents and friends.

She said teacher Corma de Jager did a brilliant job by hosting the hall full of excited parents. The concert kicked off with a gumboot dance performed by Grade Six and Seven girls.The Marimba players accompanied the dance with a rendition of “Shosholoza”.

Each class had their own item to present on the day. A total of 164 learners, ranging from grade RRR to seven, entertained the audience with a memorable show of mainly group performances that were met with cheer and ululations, which reverberated through the packed school hall.

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Dube said, “A lot of planning and preparation went into the performances. For months, learners rehearsed on a daily basis to perform every single act or dance to perfection. It was a brilliant display of collaboration, commitment, perseverance and hard work by the learners and teachers. The teachers were not planning for an encore, and were thrilled to please the audience with a repeat of the dance.”

The finale concluded the concert with all the participants waving goodbye to the audience from the stage.

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Dube said the successful delivery of the St Peter’s variety concert affirms the importance of teamwork and collaboration among key stakeholders.

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