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EFF takes fight for land to Malalane’s Leopard Creek

 The EFF is calling for "stolen" land to be returned

As earlier announced, the EFF will tomorrow, Wednesday April 6, march to billionaire businessman Johann Rupert’s property, Leopard Creek.

The EFF made the announcement last month about its intentions to stage marches to all Rupert’s properties, especially in Stellenbosch in the Western Cape and in Malalane within Nkomazi.

The party’s provincial leader, Collen Sedibe, has pleaded with EFF membership and ordinary citizens in the province to rally behind this planned march to register their disdain for the arrival of the first European settlers 370 years ago.

ALSO READ: Mpumalanga EFF rolls up its sleeves and starts recruiting

“In order to register our disdain for the arrival of white settlers in South Africa on April 6, 1652, which is the day when the problems of Africans began, the EFF will engage in a direct confrontation with Johann Rupert by marching to the stolen land he claims to own here in Mpumalanga.

“We are going to confront the land thief,” said Sedibe, echoing the party’s president, Julius Malema’s words.

ALSO READ: EFF to march for ‘stolen’ land

“We want to make a humble call and appeal to the masses of our people to join the EFF as we take charge and confront one of our land’s stealers. This land that Rupert and his cronies claim to own was stolen from our ancestors. They were forcefully driven away from all these fertile lands and brought to mountainous and dry land. The majority of our people are landless today because of settlers such as Rupert who stole our land many years ago.” He said they would meet at the Malalane RCL Gate at 09:00 and proceed to Leopard Creek.

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