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Guard shoots robber dead

A vehicle used in an attempted robbery was rammed, a suspect shot and killed and the money the suspects tried to steel recovered, in what is being deemed a courageous act by Fidelity guards on Tuesday morning.

A CIT Fidelity guard also wounded in the attempted robbery outside SPAR Sabie.  A Fidelity CIT crew had gone to collect cash from the store when the incident occurred.

One of the guards had just collected cash from the SPAR a few minutes before opening at 07:00 when he was approached by two armed men, demanding the money.

A shootout then ensued, resulting in the guard sustaining a gunshot wound to his shoulder while the gunmen fled to their getaway vehicle, an Audi A6.

An image that has being doing the rounds on social media.

It is believed that the getaway driver was also armed.  However, the driver of the CIT van saw the armed men trying to flee with the money and chased them before ramming the getaway vehicle.

Provincial police spokesperson, Col Donald Mdhluli, said another shootout then occurred as the men tried to escape the wounded guard.

One of the suspects was shot dead during the shootout while the other two men were able to flee on foot.

Fidelity Services Group CEO, Wahl Bartmann, said Fidelity recovered the money bag and is working closely with the local police to pursue all leads.

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“We commend our brave Fidelity crew for their courageous actions in a very stressful situation,” said Bartmann.

Mdhluli said the wounded officer was rushed to hospital for treatment and police are investigating the matter as well as a charge of attempted murder.

Mdhluli added that the getaway vehicle was also recovered and that it had recently been reported hijacked in the Calcutta area.

SPAR Lowveld’s Martin Webber said he was extremely thankful that no staff or customers had been injured during the shootout. The store had to close for two hours following the attempted heist due to police combing the scene for evidence and clean-up efforts by the store.

“I went to the store after the attempted heist and everyone was okay, they were just very shaken up,” he said.

He added that he was grateful for the Fidelity crew’s quick reaction and wished the wounded guard a speedy recovery.

He said said the manager of SPAR Sabie also responded quickly to the shootout, informing local community watch groups and the police.

Webber said police arrived at the scene within a few minutes.

Police have since launched a manhunt for the remaining two suspects and urge members of the public to assist with information on their whereabouts by calling Det Sgt Given Mahlako on 082 844 0229 or the Crime Stop number on 08600 10111.

Alternatively information can be sent via My SAPS App.

All received information will be treated as confidential and callers may opt to remain anonymous.

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Please send us an email to editorial@lowvelder.co.za.

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