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Save a life – or three – with one donation

As blood stocks are critically low, the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) has encouraged people to urgently donate blood.

There are no blood drives currently scheduled in the city. However, you can donate blood at the SANBS donation centres at i’langa Mall or at Riverside Mall from Mondays to Saturdays.

One person can save up to three lives through one donation. Every unit of blood you donate can be processed into three components: red cells, platelets and plasma.

The organisation has recently launched its #NoStereotypes campaign to show that anyone can save a life by donating blood.

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“Through this campaign, we intend on giving recognition to the millions of people who donate blood voluntarily to save lives. We are urging everyone to acknowledge the value of everyone’s contribution in saving lives and to further encourage people, to be a part of the saving lives movement,” said Ravi Reddy, SANBS CEO.

If you are very committed, you can also apply to become a bone marrow donor. You can complete a questionnaire on the South African Bone Marrow Registry’s (SABMR) website to see if you are eligible to be a donor.

Alternatively, you can quickly apply to become an organ donor, which means that when you die, your organs will be given to someone in need.

There are 4 300 South Africans waiting for organ transplants, yet only 0,3 per cent of citizens are registered organ donors. You can apply on the Organ Donor Foundation’s website, whereafter it sends you an organ donor card to keep in your wallet.

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