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KNP lost 190 rhinos since beginning of 2019

Although South Africa has seen a decrease in rhino poaching due to intensified anti-poaching efforts, people in the know say it is because there are fewer rhinos left in the wild. 

Minister of environment, forestry and fisheries, Barbara Creecy said on Sunday, World Rhino Day, that from January to June 2019, the number of rhinos poached in South Africa stood at 318. For the same period last year 386 were poached.

Of these statistics, it is the Kruger National Park that bears the brunt of rhino poaching. Creecy confirmed the park lost 190 rhinos in the first six months of this year.

The Kruger National Park had a total of 1,202 incursions and poacher activities for the first half of 2019.
She added that bringing local communities into the mainstream of nature conservation should reamin the central point of the government’s anti-rhino poaching strategy.

“We will redouble our efforts to make sure that communities who live on the borders of our parks benefit from conservation and the biodiversity economy, so they are not vulnerable to recruitment by syndicated poaching operations.”

Cooperation between relevant roleplayers, such as enforcement agencies and the government, along with NGOs and private game reserves, was one of the reasons that the fight against rhino poaching has been so successful. Creecy added that the successes in local courts are also noteworthy.

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“We note with appreciation the recent partnerships between the department and the Endangered Wildlife Trust aimed at enhancing detection capabilities at ports of entry and exit through the use of highly trained canines. These canines will assist in screening cargo and luggage for wildlife products, including rhino horn.”

Although rhino poaching had steadily declined, a source in the industry said there are fewer rhinos left to poach, and that makes the stats look better.

ALSO READ: Four caught red-handed with rhino horn in KNP

“Still, what people are doing on the ground in the fight against rhino poaching has made a huge impact. It is however important to remember that it continues to be a war out there, and we can not relax for one moment.”

An appeal was made to the public and roleplayers to stay vigilant, and to report any suspicious wildlife crimes to the anti-poaching hotline number 0800-205-005 or by calling the police on 10111.

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