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Mitigate the strain of stress

Ensuring that you, your home and family are safe from criminals can be very stressful.

While it is important to prioritise their safety, you also need to find ways to get rid of all that stress. Prevent those extra wrinkles with these six suggestions to de-stress.

Get moving

Walk around the block, go hiking on the weekends or jog on the treadmill at gym. If you prefer classes, why not try yoga, Pilates or even swimming?

Exercise helps you work out stress and gives you time for introspection. While you are concentration on the exercise, think about what is causing your worries and whether you can do something about it, then work on a plan to achieve that.

Exercise can also be a great opportunity to hang out with friends and family, and grow stronger physically and mentally.

Learn how to defend yourself

Everyone should know at least a few self-defence techniques but it is great to improve on your skill set. Take up a martial arts class at a local dojo or find out if they have self-defence classes available. Learning karate or jujitsu moves will help you react more confidently if you need to fight in an emergency situation.

If you know how to wield a knife or firearm it will also help you if someone tries to use one against you. If your husband has a firearm, it’s a good idea that you also know how to use it, in case you are home alone or he is incapacitated.

Pamper yourself

There are few things more relaxing than sitting in a comfortable chair and having your hair or nails done. Treat yourself to a spa day and get a massage or facial and switch off your phone for an hour or two.

It will not only help you look more beautiful and feel confident but some spa treatments can also help improve your health.

Escape into the pages of a book

Grab a magazine, your favourite local newspaper or a novel and set aside at least 15 minutes a day to read. Reading has been found to help with stress and depression and can even reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. If you’re not a fan of fiction, try a biography, research history or travel book.

Take up a new hobby

Knitting, crochet, drawing, painting and other hobbies are a great way to turn negative energy into something positive. Besides the fun of picking out materials and deciding what you are going to create, it can also work as therapy to help you work through trauma and other issues.

Spend some time with your pets

According to research, pet owners have lower stress levels and other health problems. Pets are a very comforting presence when you are feeling down and, in the case of birds, cats and dogs, can also act as early warning systems.

Some people also train their dogs to guard their home as an extra security measure. This can also give you more peace of mind, especially at night and when you are home alone.

If you find that you are constantly in a stressed state, it is important to consult your doctor. Medication or supplements can help with the process of dealing with your stress, once you have consulted with a therapist to figure out the root cause.

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