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Alleged paedophile (62) arrested for sexual assault

He was arrested at his home in a security complex in Sonheuwel.

MBOMBELA – A 62-year-old man was arrested in the early hours of Thursday morning on a charge of sexual assault of a minor. He was arrested at his home in a security complex in Sonheuwel.

According to police spokesman Sgt Gerald Sedibe, the man appeared in court on Thursday and is scheduled to appear for his bail application on Wednesday. Due to the nature of the charges, the man cannot be identified until he has pleaded to the charge. According to the charge sheet, the man has no previous convictions or cases against him.

A source with knowledge of the case, who spoke to Lowvelder on condition of anonymity due to his close involvement, said he knows of five minors who have complained about being sexually assaulted by the suspect. He said the children all resided in the same complex. They are both boys and girls and of primary school age.

ALSO READ: Understanding the sexual offences act

The children claim that they were lured to the house by the man. “Some of them have even moved out of the complex as a result of this,” the source said.

He urged parents to take extra care and be vigilant of their children. “Do not leave your children at school when it dark and do not leave them with strangers. Please be aware of this danger.”

It is important for parents to know what to look out for if they suspect that their child might be in danger. According to the South African Police Service’s Learner’s Guide of the Detective Academy, a child molester can be one of two types and can be identified when looking at their features.

ALSO READ: Stepfather found guilty of sexually abusing young girl

TYPE A – Situational child molester

This type does not have a true sexual preference for children but engages in sex with them for some different reasons. It may happen only once or be an established pattern. They usually have fewer and different child victims. They may also abuse elderly, sick or physically and mentally disabled people.

There are four subtypes of situational child molesters

1. Regressed – This person uses children for sexual satisfaction on a temporary basis as a result of some situational occurrence in his life that challenges his self-image and results in poor self esteem.
Such a person is generally more involved with adults in normal relationships.

2. Morally indiscriminate – For this person, the sexual abuse of children is a continuation of a general pattern of abuse in his life. He abuses his wife, colleagues, friends, family and so forth. Children are just another category of victim and he will use force or manipulation on the victim.

3. Sexually indiscriminate – This is the person who wants to experiment with sex and is willing to try anything of a sexual nature. He does not have an exclusive preference for children but merely experiments with them as he would experiment with sadomasochism and homosexuality.

4. Naive inadequate –These people suffer from mental illnesses such as psychoses, personality disorders, mental retardation or senility which makes them unable to distinguish between right and wrong. They are social misfits and withdrawn and do not have the confidence to approach adult partners.

TYPE B – Preferential child molesters

This type of molester prefers children as sexual partners over adults. They will have more victims than the situational child molester. They are attracted to kids and have a need for frequent and repeated sex with children. The are also more likely to be dangerous to children.

There are three subtypes:

1. Seductive – This person will court the children like an adult will court his partner with attention, affection and gifts. The process takes time until the child’s inhibitions have been lowered and he or she is willing to trade sexual favours for attention, affection or gifts. He usually targets children who are victims of emotional or physical neglect.

2. Introverted/fixated – This person in similar to the seductive paedophile as he desires the affection of children. He has not really developed past the point where he, as a child, found other children attractive and desirable – he is a child in an adult’s body. This type usually has little to no activity with friends his own age and oral-genital sex is the norm.

3. Sadistic – This person has made a connection between sexual gratification and fatal violence. This kind of molester’s assault usually ends with the death of a child. He will usually choose victims who are strangers to him and will use stalking rather than a form of seduction.

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