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Five ways to celebrate Arbor Week

By planting a tree, whether it is a fruit tree or a tree for shade, the benefits will only be recognised over time. In South Africa Arbor Week is celebrated annually from 1 to 7 September.

1. Plant a tree

Get your friends together and have a tree planting day. Whether it is in your garden or at a local community ground, any tree planted makes a difference.


2. Read a book on trees

A great way to kick off your Arbor Day is to read a tree identification book. Spending a day outside looking at your local trees and noticing new details is lovely way to grow your knowledge on the environment surrounding you.

3. Spearhead a clean up in your local park

Get some friends and local residents together and head to a nearby park or forest to clean up the unwanted waste. Correctly disposing of waste helps maintain a healthy environment and improves the beauty of the area.

4. Hold an Arbor Day party

Create awareness in your friend group by hosting a party to celebrate Arbor Day! Have fun with it and theme the party around local trees. Everyone can bring a little plant with them.

5. Organise a forest walk with your friends

Pack a picnic full of fresh food and head into the outdoors for a day with your closest friends. A good place to start will be the Lowveld Botanical Gardens. Take in the beautiful area and have a relaxed day with good company in the fresh air.

Happy Arbor Day!


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