Preserved guavas
They make for a lovely gift and are delicious served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or warm custard!
Makes 2 x 1L jars EASY 1 hr
1.5L (6 cups) water
400g sugar
8 whole cloves
4 star anise
3 lemongrass stalks, roughly chopped
3 cinnamon sticks
pinch salt
13 (1.6kg) guavas
1 Add the water, sugar, cloves, star anise, lemongrass, cinnamon sticks and salt to a large pot. Bring to a boil, 25 minutes.
2 While the poaching liquid boils, prepare the guavas, quartering some and halving others. Add the guavas to the poaching liquid and simmer until the guavas are soft, but not mushy, about 30 minutes.
3 Pour the guavas and liquid into sterilised jars and store, refrigerated, for up to 2 weeks.
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