Catch the big one for charity on September 2

The Northern Small Craft Bass League had their eighth and final league competition of the 2023 season.

The organisers are excited to announce that they will present another competition paired with their year-end prizegiving at Klaserie Dam on September 2. “We aim to focus on charity at the Klaserie Dam competition and anglers are requested to bring nonperishable food items to distribute to local charities,” said De Bruyn.

“Everyone is welcome to join us for this event, even if you do not fish with us throughout the year. All you need is a boat or kayak smaller than 4.2m and you are set to go. Only electronic snake boat motors are allowed,” he said. The entry fee to compete is R200 and two nonperishable items for charity. The captain’s meeting starts at 06:00 and tags will be drawn as it will be a team format.

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The competition starts at 06:30 and ends at 15:00 followed by the prize giving. Gate fees at Klaserie Dam are R20 per vehicle, R60 per motorised boat, R20 per nonmotorised boat, R60 per adult, and R30 for children under 12 years. Arrangements to enter must be made with André, the manager, directly via WhatsApp at 084 701 3563.

Anyone who wants to make a donation to the cause can drop off nonperishable food items at Izit Sports in Hoedspruit or Boulevard Cycles in Tzaneen. For more information on the Klaserie Dam charity competition or to join the Small Craft Bass League next season, contact De Bruyn at 083 605 6512, Clinton Ferreira at 076 859 1576, or Adriaan Joubert at 076 736 8547.

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