Foundation transforming lives

On Tuesday, May 31, the Masilo Kgatle Foundation (MKF) donated a wheelchair to a bedridden elderly person, Modjadji Monareng, from Ga-Kgapane Las Vegas. The donation was made possible by Carlton Mopai and the Ramatladi family from Tjamela and Medingen, and Andrew Kgatla who transported the wheelchair to Ga-Kgapane.

“On the same day that MKF donated the wheelchair in Las Vegas, I received a call from Collins Malatji who requested urgent assistance with a wheelchair for a double-amputee from Ga-Rampenyane,” said Masilo Kgatle, MKF founder.

Kgatle called on his contacts and Uzzi Boy Selaelo came to the rescue. He donated a wheelchair from Mamelodi. Isaac Sehlwana assisted with the collection and delivery of the wheelchair to the man. “I want to thank Selaelo for the donation, Collins for alerting and trusting us, and Isaac for collecting and transporting the wheelchair. It wouldn’t have been possible without their intervention.“Lastly, I want to thank Mahlatse Rabothata who reached out on behalf of her brother as the amputation is still new and he wasn’t coping. “The family also thanked all involved and appealed for an electric wheelchair to help him become more independent.”

In another donation, the foundation together with Pauly Sebola, donated a printer to Thabo Maake from Mapaana village in Ga-Kgapane on Thursday, June 2. Thabo had lost his job last year and due to family challenges and circumstances, he has been struggling to make ends meet which led to him reaching out to the foundation to start an internet café. In 2021, MFK also assisted a student from the University of Limpopo to represent the the Mopani district in netball. The student didn’t have money to cover her travelling and accommodation and the foundation managed to raise funds for her.

Pauly Sebola hands a printer to Thabo Maake.

Also read: Foundation helps school girls through spelling bee

“Our first initiative is to build a youth development and science centre where learners will be able to receive assistance with their school work, including assignments and science-related projects. “We also intend engaging teachers to help with Saturday classes, especially for those in grades 10 – 12.” He said Mapaana Primary School and Sekhukhumele Secondary Schools have agreed to allocate classrooms for the management of the centre at their respective schools. “We have identified a group of willing volunteers with determination to work at the centre.

Masilo Kgatle.

“Secondly, we will be hosting a career expo for schools around the district municipality and its circuits with the assistance of Dintle and Didintle Traders (an events management enterprise). “The events will run in partnership with the Department of Education and any other institution who want to get involved,” Kgatle explained. “When one child from a community succeeds, the whole community rejoices the achievement and good representation to the outside world” said Koketso Maake, director and youth development manager at MKF.

He added that he grew up in the dusty streets of a poor impoverished village, so he knows what the needs are and which development initiatives will be appropriate. Anyone who wants to help or donate, can contact Masilo Kgatle at 063 771 8142 or by email to Alternatively, contact Koketso Joe at 066 3208 802 or by email to

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