‘Cutest’ Kwetsi a favourite in advertisements

In the last two years Kwetsimani Siweya has taken the advertising industry by storm.

The nine-year-old has been featured in a series of television, radio and billboard advertisements.
Her parents, Steven and Amukelani Siweya who hail from Giyani but are currently based in Johannesburg, told the Herald that they are very proud of their daughter.“She used to mimic adverts on television from as young as two-years-old.
“At the age of four we considered looking for a casting agency as we realised that she was talented.

[“On her first casting call she was shy, scared, she cried and said that she no longer wants to do the auditions.
“After a number of auditions, we decided to stop taking her for castings, because she continued to be shy and it took up a lot of our time as we work full-time,” Amukelani said.
However in 2020 Kwetsimani, who was 7-years-old at the time, remembered that she used to go for auditions.

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She told her parents that she was now ready to be in front of the camera and promised not to cry.
Her parents once again called the casting agent to ask them to consider her for roles her age.
A month later she was called for an audition but did not get the part. By this time she had stop crying and was hopeful that her chance will come.
A month later her parents received another call for an audition and she got a supporting role in a Sunlight TV advert.

From there on she got her biggest job with MiWay, where she impressed the directors who further casted her for billboard and radio work.
She also acted in a Kia advert where the directors were amazed with her professionalism.
Her school, Curro Academy Clayville Independent School, has also applauded her for the great work she is doing on their Facebook page.
She told the Herald that she enjoys every moment she is on set. “I get excited seeing myself on TV and on billboards and I love what I do,” she concluded.

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