Balance and moderation are the keys to weight loss

Eating in moderation is the key to a healthy lifestyle, says Tzaneen dietitian, Karen van Aswegen.

Karen advises that if people want to see their weight loss goals materialise during this year, they have to check their portions. “You don’t really have to cut out certain foods to lose weight or to be healthy, but you have to monitor how much you are eating. “You can still have your chocolate, but only two blocks at a time and not the whole pack.

“It is also smart to buy smaller portions so that you don’t fall into the temptation of eating more than you should. “You can still have your glass of wine, but in moderation,” she explained. She believes that the most important thing to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, is to follow a healthy eat plan and also to be active. She recommends that people start by making small changes by taking walks and swapping unhealthy food choices with healthy ones.

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“You can replace butter with a low-fat margarine, buy brown pasta, wholewheat bread and so forth. “Instead of eating four slices of bread, replace it with two slices or one bread roll at a time. “Rather have the two slices with a slice of avocado with an egg or cottage cheese. It is more balanced and will keep you satisfied for longer than the four slices.

“Your plate must always consist of vegetables, protein (meat) and starch,” she added. Karen denouces the belief that people have to eat food recommended for their blood type. She believes that the body needs all the food types and not only specific ones. The practitioner further added that one of the common challenges she comes across is that people think that they can immediately lose weight.

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She says people need to be patient with the process as it probably took years to gain the weight. Her job is to not only limited weight loss, but includes assisting people with conditions such as cancer, diabetes, anaemia, gout, liver diseases, hypertension and many others. Visit her at Peacemed Health Centre or go to, or follow her page Karen_dietitian on Instagram and Karen the dietitian on Facebook or call 015 307 4547.

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