ON THIS DAY: In 1979, 257 die in plane crash over Antarctica

It was the worst aeroplane accident in New Zealand’s history

A New Zealander sightseeing plane travelling over Antarctica crashed on this day, killing everybody on board, in 1979.

During the 1970s, air travel to Antarctica became rather popular, as tourists sought to view the isolated and mysterious continent at the bottom of the world firsthand.

Day-long excursions from New Zealand gave people tremendous views of the Ross Ice Shelf.

However, the trips did pose a danger, as flights to Antarctica can be problematic.

The vast ice plains provide virtually no visual reference points for pilots and magnetic compasses are useless so close to the South Pole.

The McDonnell Douglas DC-10 that carried 257 people to Antarctica on November 28 was piloted by five officers who had no experience flying to the icy continent.

To make matters even worse, the data entered into the flight profile was wrong.

When this same data had been used on prior flights, no problems had been encountered because visibility was good.

The poor visibility on November 28, though, led to a fatal pilot error.

As the plane headed over the Ross Ice Shelf, the pilot descended below the clouds to give the passengers a better view.

The pilot was supposed to stay above 1 800m at all times, but went down to 450m due to the overcast skies.

Because of the wrong data on the flight profile, the pilot didn’t know that his descent came right as the plane reached Mount Erebus, a 3 800m high volcano.

The plane crashed into the side of the mountain at 480km/h.

There were no survivors.

The central fuselage of the plane.

Information courtesy of history.com.

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