
VIDEO: Helium infused beer…Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers…on a high note that is, or is it…

If you don't get a hangover from regular draft beer, this will certainly do the trick or will it?

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But according to some people it seemed to be fake as: “Helium is not soluble in water (or beer in this case). You can’t carbonate beer with helium like you can with carbon dioxide or nitrogen. Adding liquid helium would be impossible as it turns from liquid to gas at -220°F. You’d end up freezing your beer. Even if you could somehow add helium to beer, it would cause gushing because, again, helium is not soluble in beer, according to Virtual mind IT.

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Watch the following video as The Pettifoggers’ heard about it, and even seen a few funny videos with it. They’ve got their own little paws on Helium Infused beer. Does it work?! Watch and see!!

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