VIDEO: Why does Spot play roundabout before nap time?

Roundabout, roundabout, roundabout...this is why!

Have you ever wondered why your pooch is chasing its own tale, two or three times and scratch about before settling in before he lay down for nap-time?

According to the website, Vetstreet, dogs will   circle around a spot before they settle down to rest.

‘While no one can be certain of the exact reason why canines do this, the ritual is likely a residual habit from the days when wolf like dogs lived out in the wild,’ said veterinary behaviorist Dr. Karen Sueda.

Your dog’s ancestors had to sleep outside, in the elements, without much warmth or safety.

Walking around a spot was a way to stamp down grass, leaves or snow and create a soft, level surface — something akin to carving out a nest.

Watch this video: Dogs chase their tails for a number of reasons — learn whether you should be concerned about your pooch’s tail-chasing habits.

Ever saw your dog scratch or circling at the bedding before snooze time?

Just like circling, the digging action is probably an ancestral behavior related to staying safe and comfortable.

In extreme heat, digging a hole was a way to reduce a dog’s body temperature by surrounding herself with cool soil that could help regulate body heat.

When it was cold — or even freezing — climbing into a hole allowed a dog to retain body heat and keep cozy.

So, when you spot your dog tonight, chasing its own tale, and eventually settling down and curling up like an armadillo, just remember, it’s in his nature.

Just like you will huff and puff your pillow, turn left- turn right, and eventually nestle  in.

Mind you, there may also be an explanation to that…

So keep an eye on our website…

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