UPDATE: Security beefed up at Crossley’s court appearance

Marc Scott-Crossley appeared before the Lenyenye Magistrate court on Friday on charges of attempted murder.

His arrest comes after he deliberately hit Silence Mabunda, with a car with the intention to kill him.

Scott-Crossley was remanded in custody until January 27 for a bail application.

He was arrested on Wednesday afternoon after he was brought in by his lawyer.

During his appearance he did not even show remorse.

Protesters were chanting outside court, demanding that he must not be granted bail.  Some of the protesters came from as far as Hoedspruit.

He previously served time back in 2004 for throwing a former employee into a lion’s den.

Watch video of protesters here:

Also read:

VIDEO: Protesters chants – “Mark Scott must die”

HOEDSPRUIT UPDATE: Mark Scott-Crossley arrested

HOEDSPRUIT UPDATE: Mark Scott-Crossley to appear in court



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