
Is this article a Yaaawwwnnn?

Either way, just remember to put your hand in front of your mouth... like right now.

Can you read this article without yawning?

Experts call it ‘Contagious Yawning’. That’s right… it has a name.

Humans and Chimpanzees are the only animals that do it.

And it doesn’t take much at all to set off a chain reaction.

Just seeing someone else yawn or simply thinking about it can get your brain into yawn mode…

Jaws stretching open…

Eyes tightly clenching to fight the tears…and then that grunt you let out to make the situation more lighthearted.

Some scientists believe it’s an empathy mechanism that makes people relate to peers on a subconscious level.

Others believe it’s merely a matter of matching intelligence for our brains.

But studies have shown Contagious Yawning to increase with age until we get old enough for it to come down again.

Perhaps we really stop caring about it by that time.

Either way, just remember to put your hand in front of your mouth… like right now.


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