
VIDEO: Tzaneener struts his stuff in a ‘Xibelana’

'She was befuddled until she saw me get up and make the announcement that there will be a new contestant to take the stage.'

Gerrie Moolman share his story with Letaba Herald:

‘On Friday September 23 we had our RCL Foods Rainbow Chickens had our Heritage Day celebration.

Everyone could dress up in their traditional attire to make it a real celebration. There was a prize-giving as well, and I was one of the judges for the day.

At some point, while everyone gathered to enjoy their boerewors rolls, they started to play some traditional music and everyone began dancing.

I spoke to one of my colleagues and asked her to bring me a few pieces of her traditional clothing. She was befuddled until she saw me get up and make the announcement that there will be a new contestant to take the stage.

I quickly put on the outfit as the music started and all eyes were on me. I danced to the music. The crowds of colleagues started singing and applauding, encouraging me. It was a huge treat for them to see their manager entertaining them so spontaneously. It was so much fun, and it brought me great joy to see all their reactions and how they enjoyed it. This moment was to me a great honour.

Me and my beautiful wife, La Rochelle, moved to the farm about 10 years ago, in August 2007, when it was still known as Bushvalley Chickens.

4 years ago Rainbow chickens took over and I’ve been established as Manager in the very same place to this day.

Most of the people there have been there with me for these 10 years and we started to become more like family.

I have a wonderful team of people working with me.

Our group, at RCL Foods Rainbow Chickens, is a dream team and I believe strongly motivating them with the right leadership, positivity and team building.

I would like to thank each and every one of them.’

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