Stanford’s Gordon Noel shows great promise

He was selected to race for Limpopo and SLC after he performed well in the Limpopo school cross-country mountain bike series, taking first place in the youth men’s age group.

Gordon Noel, a Stanford Lake College (SLC) learner, represented the school and Limpopo at the national schools’ cross-country mountain bike championships on September 30 and October 1.

At the nationals that took place at Wagpos High School in Brits each rider had the opportunity to represent their school on the first day. Noel completed the race finishing in seventh position for SLC. He showed some real badger spirit not giving up and making up places during each of the four laps raced.

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On the second day of the competition, Noel raced in Limpopo colours competing against riders from Namibia and the other provinces. It was a tough, hot day on the dry and dusty track, but Noel took sixth place over three laps.

Over the last year, Noel has excelled by taking second place in the Limpopo series, ninth place in the SA Cup series, and sixth place in the schools’ national event. Noel is a young ambassador rider for the Kings of Neon Academy which is run by the Insect Science MTB team where he is receiving valuable guidance as well as individual coaching from Keagan Bontekoning.

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