
The Mokotos not impressed by the Modjadji Royal Council

Harold Mokoto gives his two cents on the Modjadji Royal Council debacle.

It is with great dismay to the Balobedu people to have leadership such as the Modjadji Royal Council.

How dare they ask for the community to trust and embrace them taking into account the manner in which they are handling the current royal issue.

They are unashamedly exposing their failure to handle royal issues in an amicable way to the world.

It has to be because no one amongst those who call themselves royals care or give due respect to the dynasty. It does not belong to any of them.

They just happen to dwell in the royal vicinity under the pretext of calling themselves Modjadjis.

Also read: Lekukela is first Rain King in 200 years

The truth of the matter (as it is known by the entire Balobedu tribe) is that those that run the show presently know who should take over the throne.

To be precise, the Mokotos clan is the custodian of the Rain Queen, before it was taken by the Modjadjis.

Let me reiterate the fact that you have been on several occasions warned that this dynasty does not belong to you.

It seems you have forgotten that you have challenged the Mokotos to court regarding this?

Yes we are on our way there soon. Balobedu are a laughing stock today by other Magoshi in Limpopo and other kings/queenships in Africa because of you.

Also read: MODJADJI: President Ramaphosa to attend Rain Queenship this weekend

I would sincerely ask you to hand what was given to you back to the owners.

It is time for the dynasty to be returned before another tear is shed.

On radio you called us a non-existing little group.

We are the Mokotos clan in Bolobedu and will always be, *Letter edited and shortened.

Opinion expressed is not that of the Herald.

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