
#JUNE: Is your year half full, or half empty thus far?

'...never mind the new year’s resolutions which likely didn’t last until February… we are now on the downhill slope, don't slip now!.'

June marks half of the year.

A chance to step back, evaluate your year so far with your goals and objectives (never mind the new year’s resolutions which likely didn’t last until February…) and to take action to get back on track if necessary.

It’s a great opportunity to do some hard thinking over your finances, your diet, your career and other aspects of your life that you might want to improve.

Make the second half of the year count!

So, how did 2018 treated you thus far? Have you made the most of the days you have been given?

Have you achieved all that you wanted to do? Have you left the world a better place than the one you found in January?

What’s next? What are your plans for the rest of the year? What are your mid-year’s resolutions?

Walking through our office, targeting some of my colleagues, the feeling in general was, ‘Same crap, different year.’

‘We all had new years resolutions in the beginning of the year, everyone was so excited. New beginnings, bright dreams. Look at me, I still sit with the same crap.’

They asked that if there is anyone out there, that had a great year thus far, to please comment.

‘Maybe they can be an inspiration for us, the-still-feel- the-same-folk,’ one said.

One of my girlfriends, and quite the creative monster among us, just had a one word response.


Her 2018 thus far, was drama upon drama and adaptions to new challenges.

‘You know what, I think I will just take my happy pills, and take the rest of the year, day by day. I will just listen to my favourite Heuwels song, Pille vir Kersfees.’

Maybe it is time for a mid year revolution. But it’s up to you!

We are now on the downhill slope, but let’s rather not slip now.

You can do it!!

For most people, any goals that were set back in January feel like an eternity ago.

The bad news is that most people probably didn’t accomplish or don’t remember what their goals were for the first half of the year.

The good news is we all have a fresh six months to work with to make progress towards the kind of life we want to have.

All the best…it’s only six months to go.

We all came this far, amidst bad news, sad news, disappointments, and surely some positive highlights.

Dwell on the positive.

There is a merry jingle bell ringing at the end of the last six months of 2018!

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