#MondayMotivation: You can reinvent your life

Everything you can pin your eyes on, every prominent thing on the planet today exists because someone somewhere refused to give up!

I don’t know your story neither can I begin to understand it but I know you may have derailed from the thrilling portrait of yourself that was cemented at the back of your mind when you were younger.

A faint recollection of the time you made sand castles at the back of your grandmother’s house, paper aeroplanes in the third grade, a distinct memory of your restless high school years and fire lit Christmas and Easter holidays you can never trade for anything!

You may have steered into an enormous series of hurdles along this highway called life and possibly infinite years of being tangled in a network of futile attempts to plaster cracks of the uncalculated mistakes and perhaps opportunities you let slip through your fingertips.

Recognise this philosophy: it is really never too late to reinvent your life?

You can find the courage to redo your matric next year, the strength to rekindle the warrior within you to overcome the cruel, ugly Goliaths of your circumstances and comprehend this!

Read: #MondayMotivation: Be in love with with living

For those fears and catastrophes are nothing compared to your dream of flying jets or playing in an orchestra or is it building those skyscrapers and urban bridges you dream of?

Your life may have spiraled out of control so many times that you lost count and eventually stopped counting but you can choose to commit today, commit to becoming commander of your own life – you can reinvent your life today!

Read: Pause for a moment and consider the value of the gift of your life

Everything you can pin your eyes on, every prominent thing on the planet today exists because someone somewhere refused to give up!

Read: #MondayMotivation: No one – Anywhere – Is like you

 Get back on that bike and ride again because failure is not the end of your story.

Champion- you are made for greatness and champions refuse to be defeated!

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