
It’s no longer a man’s world

For centuries men have walked the earth with their heads held high believing they’re smarter, faster, stronger and ‘better’ than women.

But is it really still a man’s world?

This year we’ve seen cases of women being raped and murdered made public and put under the spotlight, the Karabo Mokoena case, for example.

Now, because such cases are finally having light shone on them, people seem to be losing their minds because they think that these cases are on the rise and never happened before.

But, what they’re forgetting is that violence against women has always occurred but never been publicised or put out there.

So why now?

To put it rather short and sweet, women are just fed up with being treated like a minority and are now finally being given the voice they deserve.

This has led to various movements for women’s rights across the country and social media. Perhaps the most infamous social media trend this year, has been the #MenAreTrash movement aimed at shaming the paternally-dominated society that has been created over the course of history.

Women have finally been given the voice they’ve needed/deserved for far too long, and frankly this has most men returning home with their tails between their legs.

We now live in a world where a woman runs a country that was once a WWII superpower.

Where England, one of Europe’s powerhouses, has been ruled by Queen Elizabeth II for 64 years. We live in a world where a woman is able to vote in every single country around the globe, the only exception being Vatican City where only cardinals vote for the pope.

We no longer live in a world where women are raped and slaughtered everyday for the entertainment of men.

Women will no longer be silenced, they are pivotal to a fully-functioning society, and it is now the time for men to wake up and realise that there are now more queens than kings.

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