TRIBUTE: Dr Khoza- ‘A Colossal pillar has fallen’

The death of Dr Basil Khosa is not just a loss to his family only but also a colossal loss to the entire human race, writes community member Mike Masuluke.

The pillar that held our community has fallen. We are poorer today. Crime has robbed us of one of South Africa’s finest. A son of the soil.

The death of Dr Basil Khosa is not just a loss to his family only but also a colossal loss to the entire human race. Africa is shaking today. Crime has robbed us of one of the brightest, highly experienced and most dedicated doctors. We feel a deep sense of anguish at his being taken away from us so unexpectedly.

He was not just an ordinary person. He was a giant, a gallant fighter who fought tirelessly in ensuring that the human race concurs. He dedicated his entire life to ensure that ordinary people get the best health care services. A loyal, disciplined and committed citizen who used his skills and knowledge to assist the needy and particularly poor and aged people.

A doctor by calling, who sacrificed his time and money to give to the poor. His unassuming character and the high level of discipline he displayed at all material times will forever inspire us.

A rare breed. Nature’s finest.

It will be very difficult to get a person who can take the baton to replace Dr Khosa. The void created by his death will be felt many years to come. I wonder if those senseless criminals really understand the serious impact caused by their cowardly actions.

Just to think of ordinary poor people in government health facilities where he consulted on a daily basis before going to his practice.

We are talking about a person who was not just practicing medicine for financial benefit. We are talking about a person who would not sleep seeing other people suffering. Who would not sleep seeing other people withouta shelter. A person who clearly understood his social contract to the society as a whole. A teacher, who ensured that in everything he does, he also teaches others. He will touch all citizens without looking at their social standing in society. A humble and down to earth person. Development of the community was his passion. I witness his passion and dedication to peace and stability in our community during the recent protests in Ba-Phalaborwa when he raised his hand and put his head on the block by meeting all relevant stakeholders to try to broker peace and a lasting solution.

The heinous and barbaric killing of this son of the soil must be condemned at all coasts. A person who would not hurt a fly. Who would have willingly given those criminals his money and perhaps even offer to go and withdraw more if it was not enough.

The death of Dr Khosa must not be in vain.

Let us rise as society in defense of the values that Dr Khosa stood for. Let us unite in this dark hour and use all our might and knowledge to teach our children moral values that will make them good citizens. Let us reclaim our streets, and fight drugs and substance abuse. Let us fight against the decaying of our moral fibre. Let us rebrand our moral values and respect for human life.

Crime must be defeated.

Let it be every citizen’s responsibility to create a crime free environment so that never again shall another human being suffer the same fate. So that citizens of our community can live harmoniously and in peace.

Famba kahle Mavona Khoseni. Jambayi

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Breaking news: Popular Phalaborwa doctor murdered


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