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Best Mopani west teachers

Mopani West Education District, hosted a send-off party for teachers who entered the National Teachers Award, last Wednesday, August 28.

The 15 teachers were honoured before going to represent the district at the provincial edition of the awards at The Ranch Resort in Polokwane on Friday, August 30. The celebrations were held at Hotel@Tzaneen Conference Centre, with all the guest dressed elegantly in their all-black outfits.

The director of teachers professional development in Limpopo, Dr Doreen Manzini and Mopani West Education district director, Philippine Modika.

The district director of Mopani West Education Centre, Phillipine Modika, said she was proud of her teachers and their dedication to education; hence she gave them personal notebooks and certificates as a gesture of saying thank you. The former Nkowankowa circuit manager, and the newly appointed director of teachers’ professional development in Limpopo, Dr Doreen Manzini, was the main guest speaker, who encouraged the teachers to empower themselves, by studying further.

Also read: Mopani district’s matric results come from schools in the Giyani cluster

The 15 teachers performed well at the provincial awards, with six of them receiving awards in the different categories. The six teachers are, William Lekoloane from Seagatle Secondary School, who first in Excellence in Secondary School Leadership; Fortunate Motolla, from Letaba Special School, who won the category of Excellence in Special Needs Teaching; Lucia Maake from Kgapane Secondary School won the category of Excellence in Teaching Physical Sciences.

Dr Agnes Shingange from Letaba Special School won the category of Excellence in Special Needs Leadership; Tebogo Maromu from Sethong Primary School, took second place in Excellence in Teaching Mathematics, and Cynthia Mametja, from Ramoba Secondary School received third place in the Excellence in Teaching Mathematics category.

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