DA questions Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s recent workshop costs

The DA in Tzaneen is questioning the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s (GTM) tendency to host workshops outside of the boundaries of the GTM.

This is after the municipality conducted its annual 3-day human resources policy review workshop at the luxury 4-star hotel last month. DA caucus leader René Pohl said the GTM has the necessary facilities to host workshops. “In addition, when such workshops are attended by councillors and officials, they claim travel costs.

The Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) is clear that the accounting officer must utilise financial resources effectively, efficiently, economically and in the best interests of the municipality. Utilising such extravagant venues outside municipal boundaries is not only contrary to MFMA prescribes, but a slap in the face of local vendors and ratepayers,” said Pohl.

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She said that such wasteful expenditure is exacerbated by the municipality’s financial inability to maintain its ailing infrastructure. “We will further escalate this matter to the MEC for CoGHSTA, Basikopo Makamo. We will not stand idly by whilst funding is not prioritised to benefit the communities and we will expose all flagrant extravagance and abuse of public funds,” she added.

Herald contacted the GTM spokesperson, Vutivi Makhubele, for comment. At the time of print on Tuesday, no response was received.

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