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Help fund kennel owner’s treatment after being attacked by dogs

A Back-a-Buddy account has been started for the beloved owner of Must Love Dogs Kennels and Doggy Parlour who was attacked by two bull terriers recently.

Wilma Swanepoel suffered injuries to her legs and arms and is currently in Mediclinic in Nelspruit. A Hoedspruit resident, Lisa Wright, started the Back-a-Buddy account to collect money for her treatment and keep her afloat until she can return to work. “Wilma has given so much to the animals and pet owners of Hoedspruit. Now, she needs us. Let’s unite to provide the financial and emotional support she needs to overcome this difficult period and get back on her feet.”

Wright writes that Swanepoel has been a Hoedspruit resident for more than 20 years and will turn 68 in August. “On Saturday morning, July 6, Wilma suffered a vicious attack by two bull terriers that were boarding at her kennels. The dogs have been boarding since June 14 and she has been feeding and tending to them personally every day. It is unclear why they attacked,” said Wright on Back-a-buddy. She said that the dogs had plenty of room (6m x 4m enclosure) and were allowed to roam in a fenced-off camp daily.

“Wilma was alone at the kennels with two of her grandkids at the time of the attack. Fortunately, the neighbours heard her cries and managed to save her. She sustained serious injuries to both legs and arms and lost a lot of blood.” Swanepoel underwent surgery on Sunday morning, July 7, and VAC wound therapy. She returned to the theatre on Thursday, July 11 to have her wounds cleaned and to remove debris. “A skin graft was planned but could not take place on Thursday.

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She has to return to the theatre on Mondays and Thursdays until the doctor is satisfied, and she is ready for skin grafts. She also started with physiotherapy on Friday, July 12.” Wright writes that according to Swanepoel’s doctor, she will recover completely, but it will take a long time and she faces a huge loss of income. “Wilma fosters and supports three grandchildren and has two staff members who help with daily tasks at the kennels.

A group of family and friends is helping to keep the kennels and salon running smoothly while Wilma is recovering, but this may not be sustainable for the long term. At this stage, it is unclear how long her recovery will take.” Wright states that although Swanepoel has medical aid, she does not have a gap cover. “She is going to need intense rehabilitation and care in the months ahead.

The loss of income while Wilma is unable to work, which could be for many months) is going to impact not only her but her grandchildren and her staff.” To donate, go to Back-a-Buddy and search for Hope for Wilma: Support her healing journey

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