Precious thrives in work as wildlife dog trainer

A 29-year-old female dog trainer has had to overcome many obstacles to become successful.

Precious Keabetswe Malapane hails from Welverdiend village outside Acornhoek and currently works as a trainer at the K9 Unit at the Southern African Wildlife College (SAWC). “I train dogs and handlers that go out in the fight against wildlife poaching.” She says life was not always easy. In 2011 her mother passed away when she was in Gr 10.

“She was a single parent, and we were five children. I didn’t write my final exam because of the loss of my mom.” She also lost her sister in 2016 and in March 2023 her younger brother was killed in a car accident. She says in 2017 her life took a turn for the better when she applied for a six-month programme at the SAWC with a focus on field ranging, environmental education, and leadership. In 2018 she was offered a position at the K9 Unit.

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“In primary school, we used to visit the SAWC to perform traditional dances for guests. This sparked my interest in wildlife, nature and dogs,” she says. She had to endure a lot of criticism from friends as a woman working with dogs in the wildlife environment and has lost many friends because of it. She also had to prove herself to be just as competent as the men in the K9 Unit. “I had to stand my ground and keep doing what I do best, training dogs and looking after nature,” she says.

One of her interests is to educate children on the importance of conservation and encourage young people to consider alternative careers. “One needs to look at life differently when pursuing your dreams,” she says. Malapane advises young people to attend career days and exhibitions to find out more about opportunities in conservation. “If you live close to game reserves, ask if there is volunteer work available, start small and it would eventually into something better.” She says she wants her children to be proud of her. “I want to be their role model,” she concludes.

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