Molalani residents finally to receive new tar road

When the new 5.5km access road to Molalani village is completed in eight months, the lives of residents will improve dramatically when it rains.

Last week, Maruleng Local Municipality Mayor Tsheko Musolwa, introduced the contractor, TND Trading Enterprises, to the community during a handover ceremony in Molalani. The project will cost R27m and will create jobs for 30 people. Musolwa said on March 2 the municipality met with the Barcelona community to discuss three projects. “They had complaints on the roads and a bridge, and we told them we would return with a response.”

“They said that when it rains, they cannot cross a stream and children cannot go to school. Access to Santeng village was also problematic and because of the road they do not receive any services from the municipality,” said Musolwa. He said the community stated that the road was riddled with potholes and that the tar had disintegrated. They saw that the roads were being repaired in other villages, but their problems were not addressed.

Also read: Maruleng mayor keeps promise for new road

“Today I’m here with the answers to your cries,” said the mayor. He said the former mayor tarred the road that connects with the D21. “This was a long time ago and as you can see for yourselves, it is badly damaged.” He said during the meeting earlier in Barcelona, residents requested rehabilitation of the road. “When we came here, we wanted to introduce two projects, but we have added a third one. The first one is that this week, or next, we will introduce a contractor for the bridge so that they can start the project,” he added.

He said that after the bridge is completed, they will build a road from Santeng which will cross the bridge from Molalani. “We heard your complaints and that is why we are here today. We are no longer doing things without alerting the community. We are planning to immediately start with the road to Santeng once we fi nish this one.” He said the municipality wanted to deliver services to the community, but that they need to follow processes. “I know that we came late but we ended up coming,” he said.

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