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Tanja like a fresh breeze to children at Koru Camp

In a world of selfies, influencers, and the latest TikTok trends, encountering someone like Tanja Goossens feels like a refreshing breeze.

Goossens works as a literary rights agent at Curtis Brown Group in the UK and has embarked on a mission to create an on-site library filled with educational books and inspiring stories about nature at Koru Camp. “Tanja’s motivation stems from her awareness of the alarming state of literacy among rural children in South Africa. A 2023 study revealed a shocking statistic: more than 4 in 5 ten-year-olds cannot read for meaning, a number that continues to rise.

Coupled with the harsh reality of high child poverty rates and the fact that many of these children may never experience their country’s breathtaking wildlife and natural heritage, Tanja felt a profound call to action,” said Emily Whiting of Koru Camp. She said that Tanja’s passion and determination caught the attention of the UTA Foundation, which, in partnership with her employers at Curtis Brown, selected her proposal for a sponsored charitable sabbatical.

“Energised by this incredible opportunity, Tanja mobilised her network of publishers, authors, friends, and family, gathering an astounding 300 books and laying the foundation for our mini library. When she arrived at Koru Camp, she brought her vision to life with remarkable energy and enthusiasm. Over a week, she meticulously unpacked and catalogued the numerous books, working closely with our team to ensure they were stored and utilised effectively.

Two camps, each welcoming 20 eager learners, were invited to stay during this week, courtesy of Tanja’s sponsorship. In addition to our signature educational safaris and conservation lessons, the children enjoyed nightly story time by the campfire and daytime group reading sessions, fostering a deep love for reading and nature,” added Whiting.

Also read: Passion turns to action: The story of the founder of Koru Camp

She said that as a poignant finale to their stay, each child was allowed to select a book to take home, a precious gift in a country where two-thirds of households with children under ten do not own a single book. “This small act of generosity carries immense significance, planting the seeds of knowledge and curiosity in young minds. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Tanja, The Curtis Brown Group, and the UTA Foundation for their unwavering generosity and support.

The fantastic support from the UTA Foundation covered many of Tanja’s travel expenses as well as a direct cash donation to Koru Camp. Tanja herself tirelessly campaigned for further support, ultimately tripling the initial donation and raising a remarkable $5 868. These funds will enable Koru Camp to host at least 10 camps over the next year, providing transformative experiences for over 200 young learners and members of our rural, disadvantaged communities,” she added.

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“This extraordinary impact is all thanks to the relentless effort and dedication of one inspiring individual. “If you ever doubt the power of one person to make a difference, just ask the 200 children who will have a life-changing experience at Koru Camp this year. She has not only enriched our camp but also ignited a spark of hope and possibility in the hearts of many.”

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