Long-awaited new police station officially opened in Bolobedu

The new Bolebedu Police Station in Ga-Kgapane was officially opened by the national commissioner of police, Gen Fannie Masemola on Monday, May 20.

The station serves a population of 130 462 in a 479 km² area. Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) Mayor Dagma Mamanyoha said during the opening ceremony that he believes the new facility will serve the community well. “While you have given us this police station, community members that seek help from police officers are often turned away, please fix that for us,” he said. Masemola said that police officers at the station are there to enforce and uphold the law, among other objectives.

“I also urge community members to work with the police in the fight against crime. This police station belongs to the community and must serve the needs of the community,” he said. He thanked the community for their patience while the station was being built. “Covid-19 and problems with contractors caused delays, but it is now finished we are officially giving it to you.”

“Community members should not be told to return home by police officers to solve problems as a family. The mere fact that someone in the family came to the police station means that solving it at home did not work and the best solution is to report it to the police,” he added. He said plans for a fully-fledged police station in Bolubedu South will also be considered and budgeted for.

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The MEC of Transport and Community Safety, Florence Radzilani said that the opening of Bolobedu Police Station signifies the government’s determination to deal decisively with crime to build safer communities. She further called upon community members to collaborate with the police in the fight against crime and called on police officers stationed in Bolobedu to work with the community, including CPFs, to ensure communities are and feel safe.

The provincial commissioner, Lt General Thembi Hadebe, said the police in the province will beef up its presence on the ground in the fight against crime. She added that the satellite police station in Bolobedu South will be looked into to ensure it becomes a fully-fledged police station.

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