GGM is on a drive to improve its road network

The Greater Giyani Municipality is pushing to establish the infrastructure required to support economic activity in the villages as part of its efforts to promote what it calls 'village economies'.

According to Thamsanqa Mabunda, who heads infrastructure development in the municipality, this is done to create an environment that is conducive to job creation. “A functional road network is crucial to supporting the village economy. Hence, as a municipality, we have taken a stance to improve road networks that connect all the villages with the town to ensure an easy flow of goods,” explained Mabunda, adding that this would encourage the establishment of new businesses.

“As we talk now, there’s a 4km stretch that starts from Homu to Mapayeni village which has been earmarked for construction. It is a provincial road; however, we have been engaging with the Limpopo Road Agency (RAL) and other stakeholders to ensure that there’s a proper road,” he said. The road was initially tarred using mostly manual labour as part of job creation during former President Thabo Mbeki’s term; hence, it was commonly known in Giyani as Thabo Mbeki’s ‘xinkotiri xa mavoko’ or hands-tarred road.

Also read: GGM mayor asks villagers to report perpetrators

After a year, the road was irreparably damaged. Since then, the municipality has been pushing for its reconstruction. “The road is currently being built from scratch because it was damaged beyond measure. You can’t say you’re maintaining it if it is irreparable. We have, therefore, gone through the normal processes of building a new road, such as doing an environmental and impact analysis,” explained Mabunda.

“A week ago, we handed over a contractor to start its construction. You will see activity shortly,” he said. According to him, construction will not stop after the 4km road is completed. “The remaining portion of the road will be constructed at a later stage to link up with the Hlomela to Phalaborwa road. “Once this is done, the economic activities will automatically increase because of the easy access roads to town,” he said.

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