Melvin gives back to former schools

Mr South African 2023 Top 10 finalist, Melvin Ndhlovu, came bearing gifts at his two former schools.

With just few weeks to the 2023 Mr South Africa finale, Ndhlovu, visited local schools he attended. On Wednesday, October 11, Ndlhovu visited Hudson Ntsan’wisi Secondary School, where he was Mr Hudson in 2002. He donated 50 pairs of school shoes, sanitary pads and water to the learners and encouraged them to take their studies seriously during a motivational speech.  “We are all given equal chances to study and to make something better of ourselves. It all depends on whether you take life and education seriously.

Melvin helping one of the learners at Banana Primary School to wear his new donated school shoes.

Your background does not dictate the outcome or your future, but your decisions do,” he said. He was accompanied by his sponsors, PicknPay, Mati and Dust a Side. He continued his campaign at Banana Primary School in Dan village where he again donated sanitary pads, 50 pairs of school shoes and sweets.  He told the Herald that the visits were emotional because he saw himself in the young boys. There was also a happy reunion between himself and his former English teacher, Donald Mboweni, who is now the principal.

Melvin interacting teachers.

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He was also reunited with Ma’am Sambo who taught at the school when he attended. He said that his visit to Banana Primary was heartwarming and that he is glad he could make a small difference in the lives of the learners. Melvin grew up in Nkowankowa, but now is based in Pretoria. He will be competing for the Mr South Africa crown on Saturday, November 11 at Vodacom World in Midrand. He made the top 10 list from over 300 entries earlier this year.

Principal of Hudson Ntsanwisi Secondary School, Donald Mboweni and Melvin Ndhlovu.

He is an advocate for the empowerment of the boy-child and helps young men with issues such as mental and emotional wellbeing, gender equality, positive masculinity, the importance of physical health and wellness, and digital literacy among other issues he addresses. “I believe that boys have a huge role to play in all spheres of life; but without people who believe and motivate them, we can lose them to drugs and criminality,” he said.

Melvin with learners and teachers at Hudson Ntsanwisi Secondary School.

To vote for Melvin, visit the Mr South Africa site and click on his photo, or follow the Mr SA Facebook and Instagram pages to vote for him. Follow him on Facebook, @ mel olifant, and Instagram, @mel_ ndhlovu.

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