California spends her birthday with learners

A former learner of Makikele High School in Selwane recently celebrated her birthday giving back to her erstwhile school.

California Ramoshaba handed over sanitary items and cosmetics to both the boys and girls at the school. Ramoshaba told the Herald that although she does not have much, she believes in the power of giving. “My mother raised me to love and embrace all people. Growing up, there were always people coming to our house for help. My mother loved helping them and as a result, most of them are now successful because she was able to give a helping hand,” she said.

California with a learner.

Also read: Support the brand new CHoiCe Trust charity shop in Tzaneen

California and Ma’am Portia.

Returning to her former school was a great experience as she was able to reunite with her former Business Economics teacher, Portia Mathebula, and others. During her visit, she had heart-to-heart talks with the youngsters and realised that many needed someone to talk to. Ramoshaba will be visiting the school on a regular basis, working together with the school’s social worker, Reapther Maphosa.

California and Reapther Maphosa.

Maphosa identified bullying as one of the biggest challenges facing the learners, especially in Gr 8. He said the issue of orphans and vulnerable learners, especially those without identity documents are problems they have to deal with. Ramoshaba concluded by stating that she will continue helping the school as she knows that ‘blessed is the hand that gives than the one that receives’.

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