Megalove empowers young girls

Megalove Foundation hosted the first, Conversation with the Girls, event at Sefapane Lodge recently.

About 45 girls from the Namakgale education circuit were informed on genderbased violence (GBV), mental health awareness, life skills, grooming and beauty, and other topics. Founder of the foundation, Martha Dapa, said the organisation strives to equip youngsters with life skills and help them become
future leaders with the hope that in return they will take the skills back to their respective communities.

Some of the speakers who attended the event.

Also read: Foundation is committed to uplift women from all walks of life

Guests included Aletta Mathale, the acting deputy director of nursing services at Maphutha Malatji Hospital; Usiah Nkwane, director of Mokhomole Projects Pty (Ltd) and Ndcedisa
Zwane of Big Sister. Others include the teen inspiration, Lebogang Sebashe; Miss Lulekani Teen second princess, Kaizah Banda; and beautician, Merriam Mokhabukhi.

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