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Protestors block the R36 twice in two weeks

Frustration with the alleged incompetence of the police in Kgapane and Bolebedu led to protesters blocking the R36 outside Modjadjiskoof at the Kgapane turnoff on Tuesday, August 15.

It is the second protest in two weeks after a community outcry regarding the alleged wrongful arrest of a murder suspect of an initiation school head. The first protest was on August 5. Roads in Bolebedu were also blocked with debris and burning tyres during the protests. According to a reliable source, the head of an initiation school was shot dead at the premises of the initiation school held in June and July this year.

The community alleges the person suspected of the murder has not been taken into custody and they demand to know what the reasons are. It is also said that a group of protesters is camping outside the police station in Bolebedu demanding the release of the people who were present during the shooting and were arrested as suspects. These, and other frustrations with the police, led to the protests, the source told the Herald.

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Among the grievances of the community are the general lack of service delivery from the police in Bolobedu and learners who were dispersed from their respective schools during the protests. Last week the Mopani Herald reported on the allegation that the police in Bolobedu have lost control of crime. Allegations include that criminals are not arrested and reporting a crime is a waste of time as it is not followed up.

They also allege that they do not receive updates from the police on the progress of cases. The acting provincial spokesperson of police, Lt Col Mamphaswa Seabi, last week said that at provincial level they were unaware of the protests. “According to SAPS standards, there is no shortcoming unless proven otherwise. The crime rate is checked on a daily basis, and it is still manageable. Arrests are being made even though we request community assistance in identifying suspects in some cases. I may not speculate but investigations are underway,” he said.

On Tuesday, the Herald contacted provincial spokesperson, Col Maesela Ledwaba, about the second protest. He said that the police will release a statement in response to the protests. At the time of going to print, the Herald had not received the response. It will be published as soon as it is received.

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