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Lady Shiks helps girls stay in school

Local star, Lady Shiks, will be hosting her annual show, Becoming A Queen, for young girls in September.

Dyondzo Shikwambana, known as Lady Shiks, is an awarding winning DJ from Dzingidzingi outside Giyani. Her show aims to help girls with their daily problems and donate sanitary pads and school uniforms.

“I struggled with sanitary pads when I was a young girl, it is not something I would want any girl to go through. When a girl starts to menstruate, we say that she is becoming a woman, but we like to say she is ‘Becoming A Queen’, and from there the name of the show.

Also read: Giyani’s female DJ makes waves in the industry

“We want to motivate girls not to skip school because of a lack of sanitary pads.” Dyondzo says this year will be her second show. “We did the first one last year and we managed to donate to three schools in the Mopani district.”

Becoming A Queen will be hosted on September 24 at Royal Time, Siyandhani, outside Giyani, and the entrance fee is five packets of sanitary pads. Dyondzo also asks for donations from anyone who would like to help her with her cause. Anyone interested can contact her on 078 123 7000 or djladyshiks@gmail.com.

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