Sewage manhole making life hard for community members

A resident of Phalaborwa in Reitz Crescent, Genia Whatley, says staying in her home is unpleasant because of two overflowing manholes.

The manholes situated behind her house overflow, spilling raw sewage that have since accumulated in a foul smelling sludge pool. “It started in April and I reported the matter to the municipality and they came to fix it, but shortly afterward the situation worsened. “I have been struggling to get hold of the municipality to come to fix it again ever since.

Also read: Bad odour stinks up Phalaborwa

Pool of sewage

“Every time I call the phone goes unanswered or I’m given a new number of a person to help me, but I never get help,” she said. Whatley stated that the smell coming from the sewer is unbearable to the point where she does not open her windows anymore. “This is a health and environmental issue; it needs to be fixed quickly.

“The pool of sewage runs for about 50 metres into the bush right next to my house and it goes into the little river and ultimately into the Sable Dam in the Kruger Park,” Whatley added. The Herald contacted the spokesperson of Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, Jonas Mahesu, for comment. He promised that the problem will be looked into and repaired. Whatley acknowledged that after the Herald’s intervention municipal men

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