Police arrest Kruger Park ranger for trying to sell a pangolin

A mammal that is listed as an endangered species was being sold by the ranger and his accomplices.

A field ranger from the Letaba section of the Kruger National Park was caught trying to sell a live pangolin. The ranger was arrested along with his accomplices this morning (June 8).

SANParks officials in collaboration with SAPS, Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary, Focused Conservation Solutions and Hoedspruit Farm Watch made the arrests.

Also read: Suspected pangolin dealer nabbed in Gravelotte

Investigations are ongoing and the arrested people will be formally charged and named in due course according to a statement released by SANParks.

“The operation was initiated by SANParks through intelligence information on the impending illegal sale of the pangolin. It was however a collaborative effort from a number of dedicated and committed individuals that secured the arrest,” Isaac Phaahla, spokesperson for SANParks stated.


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