Cats and monkeys rule Letaba hospital

A patient who was recently admitted to Letaba Hospital, says her stay at the hospital was a frightening experience.

She says she was shocked at how many cats have taken over the facility. “There are cats everywhere, they even climb into the patients’ beds and leave feces behind in the wards. I complained on numerous occasions after which the cleaning staff mopped the floor with water, only for the cats to return and leave their feces behind again.” She says she was amazed at how calm the nurses and staff at the hospital were about the cats as they have become so used to them.

Also read: ‘Letaba Hospital’s service not up to scratch…’

The patient, who wants to remain anonymous, also complained about the number of monkeys on the terrain. She says they even steal
patients’ food. “I believe something needs to be done about the cats and the monkeys as patients who are really sick cannot fend for themselves. These animals and the feces lying around compromise patients’ health,” she added. Meanwhile, the clinical manager at the hospital, Dr. Mikia Ramothwala, confirmed the presence of the cats and monkeys.

He said that the hospital has now installed wires in front of the windows to prevent the cats and monkeys from entering the wards. He said that they need the cats at the institution as they kill rodents that carry diseases that can threaten the health and lives of patients. He also admitted that the presence of cats in the wards is not a desirable situation and not safe for the patients. He further stated that the monkeys are however a huge concern. He said they are unable to control them and is seeking assistance in this regard.

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